The New Cascade of Influence

Special Report | 49 pages

THE NEW CASCADE OF INFLUENCE 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report June 2022

Age definitions referred to throughout this report: Young Gen Z = ages 14 - 17 1 Adult Gen Z = ages 18 - 26 Millennials = ages 27 - 41 Generation X = ages 42 - 55 An yone over age 55 is referred to as 56+ When analyzing historical data, age bands have been adjusted to reflect the generation for each year. 1 If no 14 - 17 data is shown, this question was not asked among this age cohort. Methodology 2 ONLINE SURVEY OF ADULTS AGE 18+ Fieldwork : May 13 – May 24, 2022 14 13,700+ 1,000 * countries respondents respondents/country All data is nationally representative based on age, region and gender. *Total sample was less for India (n931), Saudi Arabia (n895), UAE (n888), and the U.S. (n993) ONLINE YOUTH SURVEY AGE 14 - 17 Fieldwork : May 13 – June 6, 2022 14 6,700+ 500 ** countries respondents respondents/country All data is nationally representative based on region and gender. See Technical Appendix for more details about the weighting of this sample. **Total sample was less for S. Korea (n495) and UAE (283) 2022 EDELMAN TRUST BAROMETER SPECIAL REPORT: THE NEW CASCADE OF INFLUENCE Brazil Canada China France Germ any India Japan Mexico Saudi Arabia South Africa South Korea UAE UK U.S.


GEN Z COMES OF AGE AMIDST A CRESCENDO OF BRAND ACTIVISM For details on the source of each set of data above please ref er to the Technical Appendix. 4 Covid - 19 Pandemic 45 % Racial Justice 60 % Employee Treatment 75 % Climate Change 64 % Geopolitics 47 % Economic Inequality 60 % MAR JUN JUN NOV JUN MAY 2020 2021 2022 Percent who buy brands on their beliefs & values... 2018: BUYING ON BELIEF GOES MAINSTREAM 2020 – 2022: PORTFOLIO OF ISSUES FOR BRANDS TO ADDRESS EXPANDS Percent changing buying behavior because of a brand’s response to... 64 % June 2018 Change, June 2017 to June 2018 +13 pts

68 63 Global 14 MORE CONCERNED ABOUT OUR COUNTRY THAN ABOUT MYSELF Percent who say I am worried about... 70 70 64 62 86 62 62 68 86 63 92 63 50 56 50 57 51 53 77 54 57 64 83 61 91 66 54 65 U.S. France Germany Japan S. Africa UK Canada India Mexico S. Korea Brazil China Saudi Arabia UAE Gap 13 5 13 9 9 8 4 1 - 4 - 3 3 2 - 9 20 5 pts 5 future ...our country’s future 2022 Edelm an Trust Barometer Special Report: The New Cascade of Influence. PERS_EMO. How much do you w orry about each of the f ollow ing? 9 - point scale; top 4 box, w orried. General population, 14 - mkt avg.

6 In our feed - first world, we all feel the urgency for action. 6

Percent who say their brand choices have changed in the last few years because of how a brand responds to these events BRAND RESPONSE TO OUR SOCIETAL ISSUES MATTERS MORE THAN MY LIFE EVENTS 7 Personal major life events less likely to influence buying Global 14 COVID - 19 pandemic Climbing inflation rate Climate change Russia’s invasion of Ukraine* A personal life event or transition 20 29 32 42 48 This has had an impact on my brand choices 2022 Edelm an Trust Barometer Special Report: The New Cascade of Influence. BRD_EVT_IMP. Sometimes global and national events can have an impact on the choices people make regarding w hich brands to buy. This can happen either because they do not approve of the w ay the brands responded to those events or because of how tho se events have changed or af f ected them as a person. Which, if any, of the f ollow ing things have had an impact on your brand choices w ithin the past f ew years? Pick all that apply. General population, 14 - mkt avg. *Due to the sensitive nature of this attribute, d ata not collected in China.

53 52 51 50 49 44 42 40 39 35 32 29 23 n/a 4 IN 10 BOYCOTT BRANDS OVER RUSSIA RESPONSE I am boycotting brands still doing business in or with Russia 8 Percent who agree 41 % Global 13 Not asked in China 2022 Edelm an Trust Barometer Special Report: The New Cascade of Influence. BRD_OPIN1. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree w ith the f ollow ing statements. 9 - point scale; top 4 box, agree. Questi on asked of half of the sample. General population, 13 - mkt avg. * Due to the sensitive nature of this attribute, d ata not collected in China.

THE LAST CHANCE GENERATION: GEN Z FIGHTING FOR ITS FUTURE 9 Avg number of worries (out of 12 measured) 7.2 7.7 7.2 6.4 5.0 53 58 54 44 31 Age 14-17 18-26 27-41 42-55 56+ Percent who worry about most or all of the issues measured 56 % Total Gen Z Issues related to Security Social connections Health Finances Keeping up with change 2022 Edelm an Trust Barometer Special Report: The New Cascade of Influence. PERS_EMO. How much do you w orry about each of the f ollow ing? 9 - point scale; top 4 box, w orried. General population, 14 - mkt avg., by age; and the youth sample (question show n to half of the sample). “Total Gen Z” is a w eighted average of 14 - 17 - and 18 – 26 - yea r - olds. Data show n is a net of those w ho w orry about 8 or more of 12 issues measured (excludes attributes 2 and 3).


GEN Z POWERED, NOT PARALYZED, BY FEAR 11 2021 The Power of Gen Z David Hogg, 22, American gun control activist and high school shooting survivor of Gen Z say they are involved in a social or political cause 70 % 2021 The Pow er of Gen Z. Q24. To w hat extent, if at all, are you currently involved in taking action to advance a social or political cause? Pick all that apply. ​ 6 - mkt avg., among 14 - 24 - year - olds. Data show n is a net of attributes A - P. Global 6

12 GEN Z DOMINATES THE INFRASTRUCTURE OF INFLUENCE GEN Z CREATES THE CONTENT I create or share online content weekly or more Teenagers and college - aged people influence how we... 2022 Edelm an Trust Barometer Special Report: The New Cascade of Influence. MED_SEG_OFT. How of ten do you engage in the f ollow ing activities? 7 - point scale; codes 4 - 7, w eekly or more; codes 6 - 7, daily or more. General population, 14 - mkt avg., by age; and the youth sample (question show n to half of the sample). “Total Gen Z” is a w eighte d average of 14 - 17 - and 18 – 26 - year - olds. Data show n is a net of attributes 11, 14, and 21. KID_INFLU. To w hat degree, if any, w ould you say that the f ollow ing things about you and your behavior today have been inf lue nce d by teenagers and college - aged people? 5 - point scale; codes 3 - 5, moderately or more. Attributes show n to half of the sample. General population, 14 - mkt avg. GEN Z IS CHANGING HOW WE CONSUME IT 26 30 24 14 7 58 69 61 43 23 Age 14-17 18-26 27-41 42-55 56+ Daily or more Get our news Watch movies and TV 63 % 60 % 64 % Total Gen Z Percent who say Global 14 Global 14

Percent who say they have done each in response to racism in the U.S. GEN Z LEADS THE FIGHT FOR RACIAL JUSTICE IN AMERICA 13 40 40 22 8 30 30 25 13 70 70 47 21 Age 18-26 27-41 42-55 56+ Advocates only Activists 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Business and Racial Justice I have advocated or acted against racism Supported product boycotts Posted anti - racist content Signed petitions to support anti - racist initiatives Liked or reposted anti - racist content Attended public protests Communicated with political or business leaders Campaigned for political candidates Volunteered with organizations fighting racism 2022 Edelm an Trust Barometer Special Report: Business and Racial Justice in America. Activist groupings. General population, U.S., by age. For more inf ormation on how these groupings w ere created please ref er to the Technical Appendix.

14 GEN Z WIELDS TREMENDOUS INFLUENCE Percent who say Teenagers and college - aged people influence... What we buy (avg) How we create change 2022 Edelm an Trust Barometer Special Report: The New Cascade of Influence. KID_INFLU. To w hat degree, if any, w ould you say that the f ollow ing things about you and your behavior today have been inf lue nce d by teenagers and college - aged people? 5 - point scale; codes 3 - 5, moderately or more. Attributes show n to half of the sample. Gene ral population, 14 - mkt avg., and by age. “What w e buy” is an average of attributes 1, 4 - 10, and 13. 70 67 57 39 Age 18-26 27-41 42-55 56+ 65 63 50 35 Age 18-26 27-41 42-55 56+ 52 % Global 14 58 % Global 14 How green or diverse my brands need to be Products I use If my brands need to take stands How I talk with and about brands How I shop How I support the causes I care about

15 GEN Z INFLUENCE ALSO EXTENDS TO HOW WE WORK AND SAVE Percent who say Teenagers and college - aged people influence... Our work culture Our financial behavior 2022 Edelm an Trust Barometer Special Report: The New Cascade of Influence. KID_INFLU. To w hat degree, if any, w ould you say that the f ollow ing things about you and your behavior today have been inf lue nce d by teenagers and college - aged people? 5 - point scale; codes 3 - 5, moderately or more. Attributes show n to half of the sample. Gene ral population, 14 - mkt avg., and by age. “Our w ork culture” (attribute 17) only show n to employees of an organization (Q43/1) across the f ull sample. 70 69 57 46 Age 18-26 27-41 42-55 56+ 65 62 52 32 Age 18-26 27-41 42-55 56+ 52 % Global 14 63 % Global 14 What I expect from my employer My willingness to pressure my employer to change How I work How I save and invest my money

71 51 What we buy (avg) 70 54 Our work culture 66 46 How we create change 65 46 Our financial behavior 16 EVEN THOSE WITHOUT CHILDREN INFLUENCED BY GEN Z Percent who say Teenagers and college - aged people influence... 2022 Edelm an Trust Barometer Special Report: The New Cascade of Influence. KID_INFLU. To w hat degree, if any, w ould you say that the f ollow ing things about you and your behavior today have been inf lue nce d by teenagers and college - aged people? 5 - point scale; codes 3 - 5, moderately or more. Attributes show n to half of the sample. Gene ral population, 14 - mkt avg., by parents w ith children under 18 (S21/1 - 2) and non - parents (S21/98). “What w e buy” is an average of attributes 1, 4 - 10, and 13. “Our w ork culture” (attribute 17) only shown to employees of an organization (Q43/1) across the full sample. Non - parents Parents with children under 18


Percent who agree 2017 TO 2022: BRANDS ARE BETTER PARTNERS FOR CHANGE THAN GOVERNMENT 18 Change, June 2017 to June 2022 (percentage pts) Change, June 2017 to June 2022 - 0 + 61 56 60 47 42 Age 14-17 18-26 27-41 42-55 56+ In many cases, brands can do more to solve social ills and societal problems than governments 57 % Total Gen Z 2022 Edelm an Trust Barometer Special Report: The New Cascade of Influence. BDB_Q17. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree w ith the f ollow ing statements. 9 - point scale; top 4 box, agree. General population, 11 - mkt avg., by age ; and the youth sample (question show n to half of the sample). “Total Gen Z” is a w eighted average of 14 - 17 - and 18 – 26 - year - olds . Global 11 n/a +5 - 1 - 7 - 1

On average, percent who say GEN Z SEEK SHARED ACTION WITH BRANDS 64 62 60 57 48 Age 14-17 18-26 27-41 42-55 56+ I want to work with brands to address societal issues 19 Across issues such as Climate change Information quality Poverty Racism Gender inequality 62 % Total Gen Z 2022 Edelm an Trust Barometer Special Report: The New Cascade of Influence. LEAD_PART. For each of the f ollow ing, w hat level of involvement w ould you like to have in helping to address this issue versu s w hat you w ould like brands to be doing? 6 - point scale; codes 2 - 4, brands give me a role or support me. General population, 14 - mkt avg., by age ; and the youth sample (question show n to half of the sample). “Total Gen Z” is a w eighted average of 14 - 17 - and 18 – 26 - year - olds . Data show n is an average of attributes 1, 2, 4, 7, and 8.

Percent who say YOUNG GEN Z DOUBLES DOWN ON ACTIVISM VIA BRAND CHOICE 84 64 70 63 53 Age 14-17 18-26 27-41 42-55 56+ M ore than 8 in 10 young Gen Z buy on beliefs; greatest increase among adult Gen Z I buy or advocate for brands based on my beliefs and values 20 Change, June 2021 to June 2022 - 0 + 63 % Global 14 73 % Total Gen Z 2022 Edelm an Trust Barometer Special Report: The New Cascade of Influence. Belief - driven consumer segments. General population, 14 - mkt avg., and by age ; and the youth sample. “Total Gen Z” is a w eighted average of 14 - 17 - and 18 – 26 - year - olds . See Technical Appendix f or f ull explanation of how belief - driven consumers were measured. n/a +5 +2 +1 - 4 Change, June 2021 to June 2022 +1 pt

TOP 3 QUALITIES OF TRUSTED INFLUENCERS GEN Z TRUSTS VOICES AND INFLUENCERS THAT BRING TANGIBLE EXPERTISE AND IMPACT 21 Among those who follow an influencer, why they pay attention to them and trust what they say Age 14 - 17 18 - 26 Total Gen Z They teach me new skills 45 39 40 Recommendations based on experience 40 37 37 Share my values 38 36 35 Percent who say each would be credible as a brand spokesperson/ambassador TOP 3 CREDIBLE SPOKESPEOPLE Age 14 - 17 18 - 26 Total Gen Z A scientist/ expert 67 66 66 A person like me who uses the brand 63 62 61 A brand technical expert 58 59 58 2022 Edelm an Trust Barometer Special Report: The New Cascade of Influence. ABILITY_SPK_A. If a brand w ere to use each of the f ollow ing as their spokesperson/brand ambassador, how credible or believabl e w ould you consider them to be? 4 - point scale; top 2 box, credible. INFLU_TRU. Why do you pay attention to and trust w hat the inf luencers that you f ollow have to say? Pick all that apply. Question asked to those w ho f ollow inf luencers (INFLU1_A/1). General population, 14 - mkt avg., by age; and the youth sample (question show n to half of the sa mple). “Total Gen Z” is a w eighted average of 14 - 17 - and 18 – 26 - year - olds. Order is based on top 3 rank f or Total Gen Z, ties broken by decimals.

Among those who regularly post or create their own online content , reasons why 2018 TO 2022: SOCIAL MEDIA NO LONGER THE EPICENTER FOR SOCIETAL CHANGE 22 As a means of changing the world ( net) 66 59 63 56 58 Age 14-17 18-26 27-41 42-55 56+ Change, Jan 2018 to June 2022 (percentage pts) 60 % Global 13 Change, Jan 2018 to June 2022 - 16 pts Change, Jan 2018 to June 2022 - 0 + I have opinions that need to be heard To help create positive changes in the world To correct lies and misinformation 60 % Total Gen Z 2022 Edelm an Trust Barometer Special Report: The New Cascade of Influence. MED_SEG_REG. Why do you regularly create and post your ow n opinions, stories, blogs, podcasts, images, memes, videos, or new s items on social media platf orms or other online sites? Pick all that apply. General population, 13 - mkt avg. (excl. Saudi Arabia) , and by age; and the youth sample (question show n to half of the sample). “Total Gen Z” is a w eighted average of 14 - 17 - and 18 – 26 - year - olds . Data show n is a net of attributes 3, 5 and 7, and f iltered to be among those w ho create their ow n online content w eekly or mo re (MED_SEG_OFTr14/c4 - 7). n/a - 15 - 12 - 21 - 19

Percent who agree 23 62 61 55 49 Age 18-26 27-41 42-55 56+ Brands should make it easier for me to see what their values and positions on important issues are when I am about to make a purchase Change, June 2021 to June 2022 - 0 + Large increase among Gen Z A BRAND’S STAND MUST BE VISIBLE AT EVERY POINT OF TRANSACTION +9 - 2 - 2 - 6 5 7 % Global 14 2022 Edelm an Trust Barometer Special Report: The New Cascade of Influence. Q17. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree w ith the f ollow ing statements. 9 - point scale; top 4 box, agree. Question asked of half of the sample. General population, 14 - mkt avg., and by age. Change, June 2021 to June 2022 - 1 pt


2022 Edelman Trust Barometer May Update Issues on which half or more believe brands are obligated to take a stand, top 5 shown in rank order 2017 TO 2022: TODAY, BRANDS MUST TAKE ACTION ON ISSUES ACROSS THE BUSINESS 25 Brands must take a stand on issues that... 50 #1 affect its customers 60 #1 affect its employees 59 #2 affect its customers 56 #3 relate to the use of its products 55 #4 relate to how its products are made 55 #5 relate to the brand’s core values June 2017 May 2022 2022 Edelm an Trust Barometer May Update. EB_Q49. There are many controversial societal or political issues that a brand or company can choose to w eigh in on. Some of the issues may be ones that you f eel the brand has an obligation to take a stand on and should take a leadership role in addressing. Some may be ones that you f eel th e b rand has permission to address and participate in supporting if it chooses to, and some may be issues you f eel that the brand really has no license to address and should avoid becoming involved in. For each of the typ es of issues described below , please indicate w hether you believe that a brand has an obligation to take a stand, permission to take a stand, or it is w rong f or it to take a stand on this type of issue. 3 - point scale; code 1, obligated to take stand. Question asked of half of the sample. General population, 11 - mkt avg. Global 11

2022 Edelman Trust Barometer May Update WHAT A BRAND STANDS FOR MUST BE EVIDENT IN THEIR ACTIONS What they say (avg) What they do (avg) I expect to see the brand’s stand in: Percent who agree 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer May Update 26 62 % how products are made and sold employee treatment supply chain where they do business advertising website 2022 Edelm an Trust Barometer May Update. EB_Q51. If a brand or company is really serious about taking a stand on a controversial societal or political issue, w here an d h ow do you expect to see evidence of that stand? 9 - point scale; top 4 box, important. Question asked of half of the sample. General population, 14 - mkt avg. “What they do” is an average of attributes 8, 9, 11, and 13; “What they say” is an average of attributes 2 and 3. Global 14 63 % Global 14

Percent who agree IF THEY DON’T TRUST THE COMPANY BEHIND THE BRAND, THEY WILL STOP BUYING 60 64 57 54 Age 18-26 27-41 42-55 56+ A good reputation may get me to try a product; but unless I come to trust the company behind the product, I will soon stop buying it Gen Z and Millennials most likely to agree 27 59 % Global 14 2022 Edelm an Trust Barometer Special Report: The New Cascade of Influence. BRD_OP. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree w ith the f ollow ing statements. 9 - point scale; top 4 box, agree. Attribute s show n to half of the sample. General population, 14 - mkt avg., and by age.

Brands that make the world a better place Brands that make me a better person Brands that make me feel safe Brands that spark my sense of adventure Something that addresses my worries A break or distraction from my worries 59 64 64 Which are you more attracted to? BRANDS MUST SOLVE REAL - WORLD PROBLEMS AND EASE FEARS 28 50% 2022 Edelm an Trust Barometer Special Report: The New Cascade of Influence. ATTRACT. You are about to see a series of tw o choices. Please pick the one that better describes the type of images, messages , people and brands that you are more attracted to, or that you f ind more appealing, these days. General population, 14 - mkt avg.

Percent who agree TRUST AND BRAND ACTION MORE LIKELY TO COMMAND A PREMIUM THAN BRAND IMAGE Even if two products are almost identical when it comes to their features, results, and customer service, there are still some brands worth paying more for because... Global 14 Age 18 - 26 27 - 41 42 - 55 56+ they have earned my trust 65 65 58 50 of the good they do in the world 59 61 54 45 of their cachet or image they convey 54 56 47 34 47 55 59 Gen Z and Millennials most likely to reward brands with a trust premium 29 2022 Edelm an Trust Barometer Special Report: The New Cascade of Influence. BRD_OP. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree w ith the f ollow ing statements. 9 - point scale; top 4 box, agree. Attribute s show n to half of the sample. General population, 14 - mkt avg., and by age.

Percent who say they are more or less likely to buy or use a brand if it were to publicly support and demonstrate a commitment to each MORE LIKELY TO BUY VS NOT BUY WHEN BRANDS TAKE ACTION 54 53 54 49 52 12 12 13 13 14 Human rights Healthcare access Climate change Gender equality Racial justice 4. 5x 4.5x 4.0 x 4.0 x 4.0 x Multiplier More likely vs. less likely to buy/use a brand that takes a stand on each issue More likely Less likely 30 2022 Edelm an Trust Barometer Special Report: The New Cascade of Influence. RISK. If a brand w ere to publicly support and demonstrate a commitment to each of the f ollow ing, how w ould that impact your likelihood of buying or using that brand? 4 - point scale, codes 1 - 2, less likely; code 4, more likely. General population, 14 - mkt avg.

Percent who say they are more likely to do this for a brand they fully trust, versus one they don’t TRUSTED BRANDS EARN MORE BUYING, LOYALTY AND ADVOCACY Purchase (net) Stay loyal and advocate (net) 66 60 60 57 55 Age 14-17 18-26 27-41 42-55 56+ 31 Stay loyal Stick with it despite a mistake 58 % Global 14 Buy new products the brand introduces Buy the brand even if it is not as cheap 61 % Total Ge n Z Recommend it to others 77 70 70 67 63 Age 14-17 18-26 27-41 42-55 56+ 67 % Global 14 7 1 % Total Ge n Z 2022 Edelm an Trust Barometer Special Report: The New Cascade of Influence. TRUST_KPI. What are you more likely to do on behalf of a brand that you f ully trust versus one that you DO NOT f ully trust? P ick all that apply. General population, 14 - mkt avg., and by age; and the youth sample (question show n to half of the sample). “Total Gen Z” is a w eighted average of 14 - 17 - and 18 – 26 - year - olds . “Purchase” is a net of attributes 5 and 9; “Stay loyal and advocate” is a net of attributes 1, 2, and 10.

EARNING TRUST THROUGH THE CASCADE OF INFLUENCE 32 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report Lean Into Gen Z’s Gravitational Pull • Gen Z is the tipping point for action. If you can activate them, you can shape behavior of all. • Don’t make the mistake of thinking Gen Z isn’t your target. Plan and design for Gen Z to unlock action and activism at scale among older generations. Build Inside - Out Activism • Brands are shaped as much by employee culture as consumer demand. • Don’t just take care of your employees, give them something to rally around. Activate them as advocates of your mission and business. CMOs are Trust Catalysts • Marketing isn’t vertical, it’s horizontal. • CMO’s must collaborate with the C - suite to influence a broader set of issues beyond advertising alone. Action Earns Trust • The marketing funnel has been upended. Brands that don’t act don’t even make the consideration set. • Brands can’t just talk anymore. They must act to earn trust and influence. 1 2 3 4

TECHNICAL APPENDIX This report was published by the Edelman Trust institute, Edelman’s global research center and learning laboratory for trust. The Edelman Trust Institute publishes data - driven insights on trust that inform leadership, strategy, policy and sustained action across institutions. To contact us, please email [email protected] . 33

General population 2 (adults age 18+) Youth sample 3 (age 14 - 17) Sample size 1 Margin of error +/ - Sample size 1 Margin of error +/ - Total sample Half sample Total sample Half sample Global 13,713 0.8% 1.2% 6,778 1.2% 1.7% Brazil 1,005 3.1% 4.4% 500 4.4% 6.2% Canada 1,000 3.1% 4.4% 500 4.4% 6.2% China 4 1,000 3.1% 4.4% 500 4.4% 6.2% France 1,000 3.1% 4.4% 500 4.4% 6.2% Germany 1,000 3.1% 4.4% 500 4.4% 6.2% India 931 3.2% 4.5% 500 4.4% 6.2% Japan 1,000 3.1% 4.4% 500 4.4% 6.2% Mexico 1,000 3.1% 4.4% 500 4.4% 6.2% Saudi Arabia 895 3.3% 4.6% 500 4.4% 6.2% S. Africa 1,000 3.1% 4.4% 500 4.4% 6.2% S. Korea 1,001 3.1% 4.4% 495 4.4% 6.2% UAE 888 3.3% 4.7% 283 5.8% 8.3% UK 1,000 3.1% 4.4% 500 4.4% 6.2% U.S. 993 3.1% 4.4% 500 4.4% 6.2% NOTE: S ome of the content w e ask is deemed politically sensitive and w e take special precautions in order to avoid putting our respondents, or ourselves, in a position to break any local law s. We w orked closely with our sample partner and its legal team to identif y w hich questions w e should ref rain f rom asking and removed questions and/or answ er options China. 1. Some questions w ere asked of only half of the sample. Please ref er to the f ootnotes on each slide f or details. 2. For the general population, there w ere quotas in every country on age, gender, and region. There w ere additional quotas on ethnicity in the UK and U.S., and on nationality in the UAE and Saudi Arabia. 3. For the youth sample, there w ere quotas in every country on gender, and region. There w ere additional quotas on ethnicity in the UK and U.S., and on nationality in Saudi Arabia. 4. All data collected in China is f rom the mainland. Regions of Greater China w ere not surveyed. 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report THE NEW CASCADE OF INFLUENCE SAMPLE SIZE, QUOTAS AND MARGIN OF ERROR 34

Global 14 Global 13 (T) Global 13 (S) Global 11 Global 6 Brazil √ √ √ √ Canada √ √ √ √ China √ √ √ √ France √ √ √ √ √ Germany √ √ √ √ √ India √ √ √ √ Japan √ √ √ √ Mexico √ √ √ √ √ Saudi Arabia √ √ S. Africa √ √ √ S. Korea √ √ √ UAE √ √ √ √ UK √ √ √ √ √ U.S. √ √ √ √ √ To ensure a comparative sample in historical tracking, we use the maximum number of markets that are common year to year. 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report THE NEW CASCADE OF INFLUENCE COUNTRIES INCLUDED IN EACH GLOBAL AVERAGE 35

For this study, an additional sample of 500 respondents age 14 - 17 was collected in each market. Two markets did not meet the target of 500 respondents: S. Korea (n=495) and UAE (n=283). The next step was to weight these respondents in each market down to match the natural proportion of 14 - 17 - year - olds within the total 14 - 26 Gen Z age cohort. In each market, the proportion of the 14 - 17 to 18 - 26 cohorts was determined by an analysis of census data in each country, and the data was weighted to reflect those proportions. This process ensured a comparative sample across age segments. Most of the questions asked of respondents in the 14 - 17 age range were shown to only half the sample. Instead of making the entire sample proportional to the 18 - 26 segment, we weighted each block. The half sample served as the de - facto base size for a majority of the questions asked, with the final weighted sample sizes shown in the table at right. 36 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report THE NEW CASCADE OF INFLUENCE YOUNG GEN Z AGE 14 - 17 SAMPLE Total Sample Size Block A Sample Size Block B Sample Size Brazil 268 134 134 Canada 192 96 96 China 226 113 113 France 234 117 117 Germany 196 98 98 India 328 164 164 Japan 202 101 101 Mexico 304 152 152 Saudi Arabia 204 102 102 S. Africa 340 170 170 S. Korea 182 91 91 UAE 116 58 58 UK 222 111 111 U.S. 240 120 120

37 64% choose, switch, avoid or boycott a brand based on its stand on controversial societal issues 2018 Edelman Earned Brand. Belief - driven buying segments. 8 - market average. See 2018 Technical Appendix for a full explanation of how belief - driven buying was measured. 45% have convinced other people to stop using a brand or have recently started using a new brand they felt was not acting appropriately in response to the pandemic or because of the innovative or compassionate way they have responded to the virus outbreak 2020 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Brands and the Coronavirus. Q2. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements about brands and how they are responding to the current coronavirus pandemic. 9 - point scale; top 4 box, agree. Question shown to those who have heard of the virus (Q1/1). 12 - mkt avg. Data collected between March 23 and March 26, 2020. Data is a net of attributes 8 - 9. 60% agree how a brand responds over the next several weeks to the protests against racial injustice will influence whether I buy or boycott them in the future 2020 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Brands and Racial Justice in America. Q5. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. 9 - point scale; top 4 box, agree. General population, U.S., by age, gender and political affiliation, and among Non - Hispanic White, Black, Latinx and Asian American populations. Data shown is a net of attributes 1 and 2. 75% say it is critical or important a brand treats its employees well when deciding on if they will use a brand 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Trust, The New Brand Equity. TRUST_IMP. When it comes to brands in general that you will or will not buy or use, categorize each of the following attributes bas ed on whether it is a critical deal breaker, im portant to have, or m erely a nice to have. 3 - point scale; code 1, deal breaker; code 2, important. General population, 14 - mkt avg. Data on the left is a sum of codes 1 and 2. 64% boycott brands based on their beliefs about climate change . 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Climate Change. CLI_AGR_BUY. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. 9 - point scale; top 4 box, agree. General population, 14 - mkt avg. Data on the left is a net of attributes 2, 3, and 7. 47% say they have altered my behavior toward a brand or company based on how it has responded to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: The Geopolitical Business. BEH_CNG. Which of the following have you done in response to how a brand or company has responded to Russia's invasion of Ukraine? Pick all that apply. General population, 13 - mkt avg., and by demographics. Data not collected in China. Data is a net of attributes 1 - 3. 60% say their likelihood of buying a brand would be impacted if it were to publicly support and demonstrate a commitment to reducing economic inequality . 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: The New Cascade of Influence. RISK. If a brand were to publicly s upport and dem onstrate a com m itment to each of the following, how would that im pact your likelihood of buying or using that brand? Codes 1 - 2, 4; less or more likely. General population, 14 - mkt avg. 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report THE NEW CASCADE OF INFLUENCE ANNOTATION FOR HISTORICAL DATA POINTS SHOWN ON PG. 4

Respondents were asked a series of questions to understand their level of concern across issues. A respondent was classified as “worried” if they answered a six or higher on a nine - point scale. A metric was created to give each respondent a count of the issues they worry about. • Respondents who were worried about eight or more of the twelve items on the right were classified as high - worry individuals • A mean was also calculated to determine the average number of issues each generation segment worries about 38 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report THE NEW CASCADE OF INFLUENCE HOW WE ANALYZED SOCIETAL AND PERSONAL WORRIES Respondents were asked: How much do you worry about each of the following? 1. My personal safety and security 2. Having people I can rely on when I need help 3. My mental health 4. Being able to find trustworthy information about important issues 5. Being able to find sources of joy in my life 6. My physical health 7. Not having enough money to live a comfortable life 8. Being trolled or bullied online 9. Being left behind or left out as things rapidly change around me 10. Having my personal/financial information stolen 11. Not having control over the important things in my life 12. Not being respected by others. People treating me like I do not matter.

For this analysis, we took the possible responses from a question which asked respondents: “ There are many things that a person might do to help address the racism problem in this country. Which of the following, if any, have you done in response to racism in this country?” The possible answer choices are shown on the right, along with how those answers were categorized. The answer choices shown underneath denier and on the sideline are exclusive, meaning that if a respondent chooses one of these responses, they can’t choose anything else. Respondents qualify as an advocate against racism if they answer yes to any of the four advocacy choices, but none of the activist items. If a respondent answers yes to any of the activist items, they qualify as an activist against racism, whether or not they also qualify as an advocate. Possible categories respondents could fall into: 1. Denier: • I do not believe racism is a problem in this country, so I have not personally done anything to address or fight it • I do not believe that racism is a problem in this country, and I have engaged in counter protests against people or organizations that have attempted to characterize the a racist country. 2. On the sideline • I believe racism is a problem, but I have not personally done anything to address or fight it. 3. Advocate actions: • I have supported and participated in product and business boycotts in response to a company’s racist behavior or racist policies quartile • I have signed petitions to support specific actions and initiatives aimed at addressing racism • I have “liked” or reposted content on social media that calls attention to or discusses the problem of racism • I have donated money to groups that are committed to ending racism 4. Activist actions: • I have attended public protests or marches to oppose racist behavior, incidents, or policies • I have communicated directly to political or business leaders about what I want or expect them to do to address racism • I have campaigned for political candidates that share my views regarding the importance of ending racism • I have volunteered with organizations that are committed to fighting racism 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report BUSINESS AND RACIAL JUSTICE HOW WE SEGMENTED RESPONDENTS INTO ADVOCATES AND ACTIVISTS IN THE FIGHT FOR RACIAL JUSTICE 39

Respondents were asked: Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements Respondents were asked a series of questions to understand the role their values, opinions about social issues, and political beliefs played in their purchasing decisions. The Belief - Driven Buyer scale was created by averaging respondents’ answers to the seven 9 - pt agree/disagree scale items, shown in the table to the right. • Non - belief - driven buyers were those that scored between 1 – 4.99 on the scale, meaning on average they disagreed with these statements • Respondents who scored between 5.00 – 9.00 on the scale were classified as belief - driven buyers, meaning on average they saw themselves reflected at least to some extent in these statements 1. Even if a company makes the product that I like most, I will not buy it if I disagree with the company’s stand on important social issues. 2. If a brand offers the best price on a product, I will buy it even if I disagree with the company’s stand on controversial social or political issues. 3. I have bought a brand for the first time for the sole reason that I appreciated its position on a controversial societal or political issue. 4. I have stopped buying one brand and started buying another because I liked the politics of one more than the other. 5. I have strong opinions about many societal and political issues. The brands I choose to buy and not buy are one important way I express those opinions. 6. I have stopped buying a brand solely because it remained silent on a controversial societal or political issue that I believed it had an obligation to publicly address. 40 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report THE NEW CASCADE OF INFLUENCE HOW WE CALCULATED BELIEF - DRIVEN BUYERS

41 Full List of Issues My personal safety and security Having people I can rely on when I need help My mental health Being able to find trustworthy information about important issues Being able to find sources of joy in my life My physical health FULL TEXT FOR ANSWER CHOICES THAT WERE ABBREVIATED IN THE REPORT D AT A I N D E T A I L PERS_EMO: How much do you worry about each of the following? Full List of Issues Not having enough money to live a comfortable life Being trolled or bullied online Being left behind or left out as things rapidly change around me Having my personal/financial information stolen Not having control over the important things in my life Not being respected by others. People treating me like I do not matter

42 Shortened Full List of Issues Get our news How you get your news and stay informed about current events Watch movies and TV How you access movies and TV shows How green or diverse my brands need to be The level of environmental friendliness you demand from the products you use What you expect from brands when it comes to their engagement in solving social problems or addressing societal issues If my brands need to take stands The amount of ethnic and lifestyle diversity you expect to see in a brand’s advertising How I shop Where and how you shop Products I use Which technology products you buy or use; The flavors you pick when it comes to snack foods and beverages How I talk with and about brands How you communicate your dissatisfaction to a brand; Where and how you talk about brands with other people; How you interact wit h brands on social media FULL TEXT FOR ANSWER CHOICES THAT WERE ABBREVIATED IN THE REPORT D AT A I N D E T A I L KID_INFLU: To what degree, if any, would you say that the following things about you and your behavior today have been influenced by teenagers and college - aged people?

43 Shortened Full List of Issues How I support the causes I care about How you support the social and charitable causes you care about What I expect from my employer How you act as an employee (e.g., what you expect from your employer, how you work, or your willingness to pressure your employer to change things the organization is doing that you do not approve of) How I work How you act as an employee (e.g., what you expect from your employer, how you work, or your willingness to pressure your employer to change things the organization is doing that you do not approve of) My willingness to pressure my employer to change things I do not approve of How you act as an employee (e.g., what you expect from your employer, how you work, or your willingness to pressure your employer to change things the organization is doing that you do not approve of) How I save and invest my money How you save or invest your money FULL TEXT FOR ANSWER CHOICES THAT WERE ABBREVIATED IN THE REPORT D AT A I N D E T A I L KID_INFLU: To what degree, if any, would you say that the following things about you and your behavior today have been influenced by teenagers and college - aged people?

44 Shortened Full List of Issues Climate change Climate change Racism Racism Poverty Eliminating poverty Gender inequality Gender inequality Information quality Improving the quality and trustworthiness of information available to people on important issues FULL TEXT FOR ANSWER CHOICES THAT WERE ABBREVIATED IN THE REPORT D AT A I N D E T A I L LEAD_PART: For each of the following, what level of involvement would you like to have in helping to address this issue versus what you would like brands to be doing?

45 Shortened Full List of Issues A scientist/expert A scientist or academic expert A person like me who uses the brand A person like yourself who regularly uses the brand A brand technical expert A technical expert who works for the brand FULL TEXT FOR ANSWER CHOICES THAT WERE ABBREVIATED IN THE REPORT D AT A I N D E T A I L ABILITY_SPK_A: If a brand were to use each of the following as their spokesperson/brand ambassador, how credible or believable would you consider them to be?

46 Shortened Full List of Issues They teach me new skills They teach me valuable new skills and life strategies Recommendations based on experience Their opinions and recommendations are based on actual experience or data Share my values I see them as having the same values and priorities in life as I do FULL TEXT FOR ANSWER CHOICES THAT WERE ABBREVIATED IN THE REPORT D AT A I N D E T A I L INFLU_TRU: Why do you pay attention to and trust what the influencers that you follow have to say?

47 Shortened Full List of Issues How products are made and sold The values that drive their position on the issue are reflected in how their products are made and brought to market Employees treatment The values that drive their position on the issue are reflected in who they hire and how they treat their employees Supply chain The values that drive their position on the issues are reflected in where and how they acquire the parts and raw materials fo r t heir products Where they do business The values that drive their position on the issue are reflected in which states, provinces, regions, or countries they do and do not choose to do business in Advertising Their advertising clearly communicates where they stand on the issue Website Their support for the issue is prominently displayed on their website 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer May Update FULL TEXT FOR ANSWER CHOICES THAT WERE ABBREVIATED IN THE REPORT D AT A I N D E T A I L EB_Q51: For each of the following, what level of involvement would you like to have in helping to address this issue versus what you would like brands to be doing?

ATTRACT: You are about to see a series of two choices. Please pick the one that better describes the type of images, messages, people and brands that you are more attracted to, or that you find more appealing, these days. FULL TEXT FOR ANSWER CHOICES THAT WERE ABBREVIATED IN THE REPORT 48 Shortened Full List of Issues Brands that the world a better place Brands that focus on making the world a better place Brands that me a better person Brands that focus on making me a better person Brands that make me feel safe Brands that increase my sense of safety and security Brands that spark my sense of adventure Brands that spark my sense of adventure and thrill - seeking, and show the energizing effect of risk - taking Something that address my worries Something that directly addresses my worries and troubles A break or distraction from my worries Escapism, a break or distraction from my worries and troubles D AT A I N D E T A I L

49 Shortened Full List of Issues Buy new products the brand introduces Buy new products or services the fully trusted brand introduces Buy the brand even if it is not as cheap Buy the fully trusted brand even if it is not as cheap as some of my other options Stay loyal Stay loyal to the fully trusted brand, and not be actively shopping around for another brand that I might like better Stick with it despite a mistake Stick with the fully trusted brand even if it makes a mistake or something goes wrong Recommend it to others Recommend the fully trusted brand to other people FULL TEXT FOR ANSWER CHOICES THAT WERE ABBREVIATED IN THE REPORT D AT A I N D E T A I L TRUST_KPI: What are you more likely to do on behalf of a brand that you fully trust versus one that you DO NOT fully trust?