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Percent who say YOUNG GEN Z DOUBLES DOWN ON ACTIVISM VIA BRAND CHOICE 84 64 70 63 53 Age 14-17 18-26 27-41 42-55 56+ M ore than 8 in 10 young Gen Z buy on beliefs; greatest increase among adult Gen Z I buy or advocate for brands based on my beliefs and values 20 Change, June 2021 to June 2022 - 0 + 63 % Global 14 73 % Total Gen Z 2022 Edelm an Trust Barometer Special Report: The New Cascade of Influence. Belief - driven consumer segments. General population, 14 - mkt avg., and by age ; and the youth sample. “Total Gen Z” is a w eighted average of 14 - 17 - and 18 – 26 - year - olds . See Technical Appendix f or f ull explanation of how belief - driven consumers were measured. n/a +5 +2 +1 - 4 Change, June 2021 to June 2022 +1 pt

The New Cascade of Influence - Page 20 The New Cascade of Influence Page 19 Page 21