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EARNING TRUST THROUGH THE CASCADE OF INFLUENCE 32 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report Lean Into Gen Z’s Gravitational Pull • Gen Z is the tipping point for action. If you can activate them, you can shape behavior of all. • Don’t make the mistake of thinking Gen Z isn’t your target. Plan and design for Gen Z to unlock action and activism at scale among older generations. Build Inside - Out Activism • Brands are shaped as much by employee culture as consumer demand. • Don’t just take care of your employees, give them something to rally around. Activate them as advocates of your mission and business. CMOs are Trust Catalysts • Marketing isn’t vertical, it’s horizontal. • CMO’s must collaborate with the C - suite to influence a broader set of issues beyond advertising alone. Action Earns Trust • The marketing funnel has been upended. Brands that don’t act don’t even make the consideration set. • Brands can’t just talk anymore. They must act to earn trust and influence. 1 2 3 4

The New Cascade of Influence - Page 32 The New Cascade of Influence Page 31 Page 33