TOP 3 QUALITIES OF TRUSTED INFLUENCERS GEN Z TRUSTS VOICES AND INFLUENCERS THAT BRING TANGIBLE EXPERTISE AND IMPACT 21 Among those who follow an influencer, why they pay attention to them and trust what they say Age 14 - 17 18 - 26 Total Gen Z They teach me new skills 45 39 40 Recommendations based on experience 40 37 37 Share my values 38 36 35 Percent who say each would be credible as a brand spokesperson/ambassador TOP 3 CREDIBLE SPOKESPEOPLE Age 14 - 17 18 - 26 Total Gen Z A scientist/ expert 67 66 66 A person like me who uses the brand 63 62 61 A brand technical expert 58 59 58 2022 Edelm an Trust Barometer Special Report: The New Cascade of Influence. ABILITY_SPK_A. If a brand w ere to use each of the f ollow ing as their spokesperson/brand ambassador, how credible or believabl e w ould you consider them to be? 4 - point scale; top 2 box, credible. INFLU_TRU. Why do you pay attention to and trust w hat the inf luencers that you f ollow have to say? Pick all that apply. Question asked to those w ho f ollow inf luencers (INFLU1_A/1). General population, 14 - mkt avg., by age; and the youth sample (question show n to half of the sa mple). “Total Gen Z” is a w eighted average of 14 - 17 - and 18 – 26 - year - olds. Order is based on top 3 rank f or Total Gen Z, ties broken by decimals.

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