Respondents were asked a series of questions to understand their level of concern across issues. A respondent was classified as “worried” if they answered a six or higher on a nine - point scale. A metric was created to give each respondent a count of the issues they worry about. • Respondents who were worried about eight or more of the twelve items on the right were classified as high - worry individuals • A mean was also calculated to determine the average number of issues each generation segment worries about 38 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report THE NEW CASCADE OF INFLUENCE HOW WE ANALYZED SOCIETAL AND PERSONAL WORRIES Respondents were asked: How much do you worry about each of the following? 1. My personal safety and security 2. Having people I can rely on when I need help 3. My mental health 4. Being able to find trustworthy information about important issues 5. Being able to find sources of joy in my life 6. My physical health 7. Not having enough money to live a comfortable life 8. Being trolled or bullied online 9. Being left behind or left out as things rapidly change around me 10. Having my personal/financial information stolen 11. Not having control over the important things in my life 12. Not being respected by others. People treating me like I do not matter.

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