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71 51 What we buy (avg) 70 54 Our work culture 66 46 How we create change 65 46 Our financial behavior 16 EVEN THOSE WITHOUT CHILDREN INFLUENCED BY GEN Z Percent who say Teenagers and college - aged people influence... 2022 Edelm an Trust Barometer Special Report: The New Cascade of Influence. KID_INFLU. To w hat degree, if any, w ould you say that the f ollow ing things about you and your behavior today have been inf lue nce d by teenagers and college - aged people? 5 - point scale; codes 3 - 5, moderately or more. Attributes show n to half of the sample. Gene ral population, 14 - mkt avg., by parents w ith children under 18 (S21/1 - 2) and non - parents (S21/98). “What w e buy” is an average of attributes 1, 4 - 10, and 13. “Our w ork culture” (attribute 17) only shown to employees of an organization (Q43/1) across the full sample. Non - parents Parents with children under 18

The New Cascade of Influence - Page 16 The New Cascade of Influence Page 15 Page 17