For this study, an additional sample of 500 respondents age 14 - 17 was collected in each market. Two markets did not meet the target of 500 respondents: S. Korea (n=495) and UAE (n=283). The next step was to weight these respondents in each market down to match the natural proportion of 14 - 17 - year - olds within the total 14 - 26 Gen Z age cohort. In each market, the proportion of the 14 - 17 to 18 - 26 cohorts was determined by an analysis of census data in each country, and the data was weighted to reflect those proportions. This process ensured a comparative sample across age segments. Most of the questions asked of respondents in the 14 - 17 age range were shown to only half the sample. Instead of making the entire sample proportional to the 18 - 26 segment, we weighted each block. The half sample served as the de - facto base size for a majority of the questions asked, with the final weighted sample sizes shown in the table at right. 36 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report THE NEW CASCADE OF INFLUENCE YOUNG GEN Z AGE 14 - 17 SAMPLE Total Sample Size Block A Sample Size Block B Sample Size Brazil 268 134 134 Canada 192 96 96 China 226 113 113 France 234 117 117 Germany 196 98 98 India 328 164 164 Japan 202 101 101 Mexico 304 152 152 Saudi Arabia 204 102 102 S. Africa 340 170 170 S. Korea 182 91 91 UAE 116 58 58 UK 222 111 111 U.S. 240 120 120