12 GEN Z DOMINATES THE INFRASTRUCTURE OF INFLUENCE GEN Z CREATES THE CONTENT I create or share online content weekly or more Teenagers and college - aged people influence how we... 2022 Edelm an Trust Barometer Special Report: The New Cascade of Influence. MED_SEG_OFT. How of ten do you engage in the f ollow ing activities? 7 - point scale; codes 4 - 7, w eekly or more; codes 6 - 7, daily or more. General population, 14 - mkt avg., by age; and the youth sample (question show n to half of the sample). “Total Gen Z” is a w eighte d average of 14 - 17 - and 18 – 26 - year - olds. Data show n is a net of attributes 11, 14, and 21. KID_INFLU. To w hat degree, if any, w ould you say that the f ollow ing things about you and your behavior today have been inf lue nce d by teenagers and college - aged people? 5 - point scale; codes 3 - 5, moderately or more. Attributes show n to half of the sample. General population, 14 - mkt avg. GEN Z IS CHANGING HOW WE CONSUME IT 26 30 24 14 7 58 69 61 43 23 Age 14-17 18-26 27-41 42-55 56+ Daily or more Get our news Watch movies and TV 63 % 60 % 64 % Total Gen Z Percent who say Global 14 Global 14

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