Food and Beverage Sector

Special Report | 37 pages

Global Report Trust in the Food & Beverage Sector

2 27 - market global data margin of error: General population +/ - 0.6% (n=31,050); half - sample global general online population +/ - 0.8% (n=15,525). Country - specific data margin of error: General population +/ - 2.9% (n=1,150); half - sample +/ - 4.1% (n=575). Methodology 2022 EDELMAN TRUST BAROMETER Annual online survey in its 22 nd year Fieldwork conducted: Nov 1 – Nov 24, 2021 28 36,000+ 1,150+ countries respondents respondents/country Argentina Australia Brazil Canada China Colombia France Germany India Indonesia Ireland Italy Japan Kenya Malaysia Mexico Nigeria Russia Saudi Arabia Singapore S. Africa S. Korea Spain Thailand The Netherlands UAE UK U.S. GLOBAL AVERAGES vary based on the number of countries surveyed each year: GLOBAL 27 does not include Nigeria* GLOBAL 22 does not include Colombia, Kenya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, S. Africa and Thailand the sensitive nature of the question prevented this data from being collected in these markets Other global averages detailed in technical appendix *To prevent skewing the global results, Nigeria is not included in any global averages because the online population is not representative of the true population GLOBAL 24 Not asked in China, Russia, Thailand

3 22 YEARS OF TRUST ‘01 ‘02 ‘03 ‘04 ‘05 ‘06 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 Rising Influence of NGOs Fall of the Celebrity CEO Earned Media More Credible Than Advertising U.S. Companies in Europe Suffer Trust Discount Trust Shifts from “Authorities” to Peers A “Person Like Me” Emerges as Credible Spokesperson Business More Trusted Than Government and Media Young People Have More Trust in Business Trust in Business Plummets Performance and Transparency Essential to Trust Business Must Partner With Government to Regain Trust ‘12 ‘13 ‘14 ‘15 ‘16 ‘17 ‘18 ‘19 ‘20 ‘21 ‘22 Fall of Government Crisis of Leadership Business to Lead the Debate for Change Trust is Essential to Innovation Growing Inequality of Trust Trust in Crisis The Battle for Truth Trust at Work Trust: Competence and Ethics Business Most Trusted The Cycle of Distrust


5 61 59 52 50 Business NGOs Government Media Percent trust TRUST DECLINES FOR GOVERNMENT AND MEDIA; BUSINESS STILL ONLY TRUSTED INSTITUTION 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_INS. Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right. 9 - point scale; top 4 box , trust. General population, 27 - mkt avg. 2020 Edelman Trust Barometer Spring Update. TRU_INS. Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is rig ht. 9 - point scale; top 4 box, trust. General population, 11 - mkt avg. Change, 2021 to 2022 - 0 + 0 +2 - 1 - 1 65 62 62 56 Government Business NGOs Media IN MAY 2020, GOVERNMENT MOST TRUSTED Global 11 Distrust (1 - 49) Neutral (50 - 59) Trust (60 - 100) Global 27

6 Percent who say GOVERNMENT AND MEDIA SEEN AS DIVISIVE 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. [INS]_PER_DIM. In thinking about why you do or do not trust [institution], please specify where you think they fall on the sc al e between the two opposing descriptions. 11 - point scale; top 5 box, positive; bottom 5 box, negative. Questions asked of half of the sample. General population, 24 - mkt avg. Data not collected in China, Russia and Thailand. 48 46 31 29 36 35 45 50 Government Media Business NGOs a div iding force in society a unifying force in society - 12 pts - 11 pts 14 pts 21 pts Gap , difference between unifying force vs. dividing force These institutions are... GLOBAL 24 Not asked in China, Russia, Thailand

7 59 57 43 37 Search engines Traditional media Owned media Social media Percent trust NEWS SOURCES FAIL TO FIX THEIR TRUST PROBLEM 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. COM_MCL. When looking for general news and information, how much would you trust each type of source for general news and inf or mation? 9 - point scale; top 4 box, trust. Question asked of half of the sample. General population, 22 - mkt avg. *From 2012 - 2015, “Online Search Engines” were included as a media type. In 2016, this was changed to “Search Engines.” Global 22 Distrust Neutral Trust Change, 2012 to 2022 - 0 + - 3 - 5 +1 - 8 Change, 2012 to 2022 Least - trusting countries for each source U.S. Australia Japan 45 47 47 Russia Japan S. Korea, U.S. 35 39 43 S. Korea Russia U.S. 24 28 28 France Germany Canada 19 20 21

8 Percent who agree FAKE NEWS CONCERNS AT ALL - TIME HIGHS 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. ATT_MED_AGR. Below is a list of statements. For each one, please rate how much you agree or disagree with that statement usin g a nine - point scale where one means “strongly disagree” and nine means “strongly agree”. 9 - point scale; top 4 box, agree. Question asked of half the sampl e. General population, 27 - mkt avg. *Nigeria is not included in the global average I worry about false information or fake news being used as a weapon 76 % Global 27 84 83 83 82 82 82 82 81 81 81 80 80 79 78 78 76 76 75 75 74 73 72 71 67 65 64 64 63 +3 +9 +7 +5 +3 +2 +2 0 +2 +10 +9 n/a +4 +4 +5 +18 +2 +3 +2 +2 - 2 +8 +3 +4 +1 - 1 +5 +2 All - time high in 13 of 27 countries +4 pts Change, 2021 to 2022 Change, 2021 to 2022 - 0 +

9 55 65 55 57 45 48 44 42 Percent who say each is a strength of institutions GOVERNMENT NOT SEEN AS ABLE TO SOLVE SOCIETAL PROBLEMS 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. CMP_ARE_[INS]. Thinking about [institution] as they are today, please indicate whether you consider each of the following dim ens ions to be one of their areas of strength or weakness. 5 - point scale; top 2 box, strength. Question asked of half of the sample. General population, 24 - mkt avg. Data not collected in China, Russia and Thailand. Business NGOs Media Government 50 % Majority do not see as strength Business NGOs Media Government Take a leadership role Coordinate cross - institutional efforts to solve societal problems Get results Successfully execute plans and strategies that yield results GLOBAL 24 Not asked in China, Russia, Thailand

10 Percent trust SOCIETAL LEADERS NOT TRUSTED 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_PEP. Below is a list of groups of people. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that group of people to do wha t is right using a 9 - point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal”. 9 - point scale; top 4 box, trust. Some attributes asked of half the sample. General population, 27 - mkt avg. “My coworkers” and “my CEO” only shown to those who are an employee of an organization (Q43/1). 42 46 49 58 62 63 66 74 75 Government leaders Journalists CEOs Citizens of my country People in my local community National health authorities My CEO My coworkers Scientists Distrust Neutral Trust Change, 2021 to 2022 - 0 + +1 +1 +1 0 0 +3 +3 n/a +2 Scientists and employers most trusted

11 Percent who worry MORE CONVINCED WE’RE BEING LIED TO BY SOCIETAL LEADERS 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. POP_EMO. Some people say they worry about many things while others say they have few concerns. We are interested in what you wo rry about. Specifically, how much do you worry about each of the following? 9 - point scale; top 4 box, worry. A ttributes shown to half of the sample. General population, 27 - mkt avg. Journalists and reporters My country’s government leaders 67 % +8 pts 66 % +9 pts Business leaders 63 % +7 pts are purposely trying to mislead people by saying things they know are false or gross exaggerations Change, 2021 to 2022 - 0 +

12 CYCLE OF DISTRUST THREATENS SOCIETAL STABILITY SOCIETAL INSTABILITY MEDIA GOVERNMENT BUSINESS NGOs Climate change Job loss Discrimination Income inequality Government and media feed cycle of division and disinformation for votes and clicks NGOs and business pressured to take on societal problems beyond their abilities


“ “ The Right to Food Movement: Fighting Hunger is About Justice, not Charity “ Does Regenerative Agriculture Have a Race Problem? “ A COMPLEX AND CONFLICTED LANDSCAPE Food Justice = Social Justice Sustainability as Threat and Opportunity How China plans to lead the world in sustainable food with latest five - year agricultural development plan “ Fertilizer prices just hit a record high sparking fears of global starvation and the worst food insecurity level since World War II “ War Has Brought the World to the Brink of a Food Crisis “ PepsiCo more than doubles revenue growth with framework prioritizing sustainability Almond Milk is Killing Billions of Honeybees Runaway Inflation Food Prices Keep Going Up, Here’s What it Means for You “ “ Los alimentos se encarecieron un 28% en 2021, hasta máximos desde los años setenta

15 Percent trust TRUST INCREASES ACROSS MOST SECTORS 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_IND. Please indicate how much you trust businesses in each of the following industries to do what is right. 9 - point scale; t op 4 box, trust. Industries shown to half of the sample. General population, 27 - mkt avg. 74 69 69 69 68 66 66 66 65 64 63 62 61 58 56 44 Distrust Neutral Trust Change, 2021 to 2022 - 0 + +4 +3 +3 +3 +2 +4 +2 +3 +3 +2 +2 +2 +1 0 +3 - 2 Social media most distrusted and falls further

16 Percent trust in the food and beverage sector vs. trust in business TRUST IN FOOD AND BEVERAGE SECTOR REMAINS BELOW PRE - PANDEMIC HIGHS 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_IND. [FOOD AND BEVERAGE] Please indicate how much you trust businesses in each of the following industries to do what is rig ht. 9 - point scale; top 4 box, trust. Industries shown to half of the sample. TRU_INS. [BUSINESS] Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do wha t is right. 9 - point scale; top 4 box, trust. General population, 22 - mkt avg. 64 69 67 65 67 47 56 58 59 60 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Distrust (1 - 49) Neutral (50 - 59) Trust (60 - 100) Food and beverage sector Business in general - 2 +4 Change, 2019 to 2022 % trust, 2022 Change, 2019 to 2022 Canada 60 U.S. 59 - 13 - 12 Countries with double - digit declines in food and beverage trust since 2019 Change, 2019 to 2022 - 0 +

17 Percent trust in the food and beverage sector INCOME - BASED TRUST INEQUALITY FOR FOOD REMAINS 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_IND. [FOOD AND BEVERAGE] Please indicate how much you trust businesses in each of the following industries to do what is rig ht. 9 - point scale; top 4 box, trust. Industries shown to half of the sample. General population, 22 - mkt avg., by income. Distrust Neutral Trust High income (Top 25%) Low (Bottom 25%) Trust gap, high vs. low income Top 5 countries with the greatest income - based trust inequality The Netherlands Thailand Saudi Arabia U.S. Indonesia 20 pts 18 pts 17 pts 15 pts 21 pts Global 22 9 pts 7 pts Food sector income trust divide grows during pandemic 65 70 74 71 69 71 61 60 63 64 60 62 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

18 Percent trust, in food and beverage sector FOOD AND BEVERAGE SECTOR NOT TRUSTED IN THREE OF WORLD’S LARGEST FOOD EXPORTERS 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_IND. [FOOD AND BEVERAGE] Please indicate how much you trust businesses in each of the following industries to do what is rig ht. 9 - point scale; top 4 box, trust. Industries shown to half of the sample. General population, 27 - mkt avg. *Nigeria not included in the global average . Top five food exporters, in order: U.S., Germany, UK, China, France. 87 83 81 80 79 77 77 75 74 73 69 69 68 68 68 67 67 66 64 61 61 61 60 60 59 57 53 42 Distrust Neutral Trust Change, 2021 to 2022 - 0 + Change, 2021 to 2022 68 Global 27 +4 +2 +8 +11 +2 +1 +3 n/a +5 +5 +1 +4 +6 0 - 1 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +4 0 - 2 +1 - 6 0 +4 - 3 +2 pts

19 Percent trust, food and beverage sector TRUST IN FOOD AND BEVERAGE SECTOR DIFFERS BY INCOME, GEOGRAPHY, RACE/ETHNICITY AND POLITICS Distrust Neutral Trust 70 66 70 68 66 63 70 72 70 65 61 Men Women 18-34 35-54 55+ Low Middle High Urban Suburban Rural 62 55 58 67 63 65 52 White Black Hispanic Asian Rep. Dem. Ind/3rd Party U.S. Race and Ethnicity | Political Affiliation Gender | Age | Income | Location Global 27 68 Food and beverage 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_IND. [FOOD AND BEVERAGE] Please indicate how much you trust businesses in each of the following industries to do what is rig ht. 9 - point scale; top 4 box, trust. Industries shown to half of the sample. General population, 27 - mkt avg, and by demographics; U.S. political affili ation, and Non - Hispanic White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian populations .

20 72 71 66 63 61 56 55 Grocery stores Farming and fishery Food and beverage manufacturers Plant-based food manufacturers Digital food delivery Fast food Brewing and spirits Distrust Neutral Trust Change, 2021 to 2022 - 0 + +3 +2 +3 n/a +1 0 +1 Percent trust, in food and beverage subsectors TRUST RISES IN 5 FOOD AND BEVERAGE SUBSECTORS 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_SUB_FBV. Now thinking about specific sectors within the food industry, please indicate how much you trust businesses in e ac h of the following sectors to do what is right. 9 - point scale; top 4 box, trust. Question asked of one - fifth of the sample. General population, 27 - mkt avg.

21 73 65 64 54 52 49 48 47 43 43 40 39 38 MOST INDUSTRIES NOT TRUSTED ON CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Climate Change. ECO_TRU_IND. Below is a list of industry sectors. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that industry to do what is right. 9 - point scale; top 4 box, trust. Question asked of half of the sample. General population, 14 - mkt avg. Distrust Neutral Trust Percent trust on climate change action 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Climate Change

22 Percent who say WIDESPREAD FEARS OF CLIMATE CHANGE 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. POP_EMO. Some people say they worry about many things while others say they have few concerns. We are interested in what you wo rry about. Specifically, how much do you worry about each of the following? 9 - point scale; top 4 box, worry. Non - job loss attributes shown to half of the sample. General population, 27 - mkt avg Callout among those employed in the food sector (Q420/8 and Q43/1). *Nigeria is not included in the global average 75 % Global 27 87 85 85 84 84 83 82 82 81 80 80 76 76 76 76 75 73 72 71 71 70 70 69 68 64 62 59 56 +9 +2 +7 +5 - 1 +5 0 +4 +5 0 +7 +3 +3 +8 +1 +7 n/a +6 +2 +1 +3 +6 +9 +2 +1 - 4 +3 - 5 I worry about climate change leading to drought, rising sea levels and other natural disasters +3 pts Change, 2021 to 2022 Change, 2021 to 2022 - 0 + Least concern among U.S. respondents, and greatest decline in the U.S. Food & beverage employees 72%

23 CONSUMERS DON’T WANT TO PAY MORE FOR CLIMATE - FRIENDLY SOLUTIONS 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Climate Change. CLI_ RFB . You are about to see a series of two choices. For each pair, we want you to choose the one that you are more likely to believe. General population, 14 - mkt avg. 69 % 77 75 75 74 72 72 71 69 69 69 65 64 63 56 or To increase their use, the burden should be on brands to make environmentally - friendly products cheaper the burden should be on people to be pay more for them Which are you more likely to believe? Global 14 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Climate Change


ETHICAL 35 UNETHICAL - 50 LESS COMPETENT COMPETENT 25 CAUTION: DATA NOT FACT - CHECKED ( - 18 , - 2 ) ( 3 , 24 ) ( 12 , 14 ) ( - 41 , - 12 ) (Competence score, net ethical score) NGOS AND BUSINESS MUST ACT AS STABILIZING FORCES 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. The ethical scores are averages of nets based on [INS]_PER_DIM/1 - 4. Question asked of half of the sample. The competence score i s a net based on TRU_3D_[INS]/1. Depending on the question it was either asked of the full of half the sample. General population, 24 - mkt avg. Da ta not collected in China, Russia and Thailand. For full details regarding how this data was calculated and plotted, please see the Technical Appendix. GLOBAL 24 Not asked in China, Russia, Thailand Business NGOs Government Media 2022 2021 Business seen as 53 points more competent than government

26 Percent who agree ALL STAKEHOLDERS HOLD BUSINESS ACCOUNTABLE 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. Belief - driven consumer, employee, and investor segments. General population, 27 - mkt avg. Employee data is filtered to be among e mployees of an organization (Q43/1). Investor data is only among those who sell stocks, bonds, or mutual funds as a standalone or employer - spon sored investment (INVESTOR/1). See Technical Appendix for a full explanation of how belief - driven consumers, employees, and investors were measured. 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Institutional Investors. Q7. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding shareholder activism. 4 - point scale; top 2 box, agree. 7 - mkt avg. Buy or advocate for brands based on their beliefs and values 58 % Choose a place to work based on their beliefs and values 60 % Invest based on their beliefs and values 64 % Source: 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Institutional Investors 88 % of institutional investors subject ESG to the same scrutiny as operational and financial considerations Global 7 Global 27

27 73 70 68 67 66 64 62 61 61 60 60 57 56 56 55 50 Percent who agree, among employees NEARLY 2 IN 3 FOOD & BEVERAGE WORKERS CHOSE EMPLOYER BASED ON BELIEFS 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. Belief - driven employee segments. General population, 27 - mkt avg., and by sector employed in (Q420). Employee data is filtered to be among employees of an organization (Q43/1). See Technical Appendix for a full explanation of how belief - driven consumers, employees, and investors were measured. I choose a place to work based on my beliefs and values 60 % Global 27, All employees Those employed in...

28 Percent who say CEOS EXPECTED TO BE THE FACE OF CHANGE 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. CEO_VIS. How visible do you think a CEO should personally be in these different types of business situations? 9 - point scale; to p 4 box, visible. Question asked of half of the sample. General population, 27 - mkt avg. Data shown is a net of attributes 2 and 10. EMP_IMP. When considering an organization as a potential place of employment, how important is each of the following to you in deciding whether or not you would accept a job offer there? 3 - point scale; top 2 bo x, important. Question asked of those who are an employee of an organization (Q43/1). General population, 25 - mkt avg., and by sector employed in (Q420). CEOs should be personally visible when discussing public policy with external stakeholders or work their company has done to benefit society When considering a job, I expect the CEO to speak publicly about controversial social and political issues that I care about Global 25, All employees Global 27, General population 81 % (net) 68 68 64 62 54 Financial Services Tech Energy Food & beverage Health +11 +7 +3 +7 +1 60 % Change, 2019 to 2022 +5 pts Those employed in...

29 Percent who expect CEOs to inform and shape conversations and policy debates about each issue CEOS EXPECTED TO INFORM POLICY ON JOBS, AUTOMATION, AND CLIMATE CHANGE 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. CEO_RSP. For each of the following topics, please indicate to what degree corporate CEOs should be held responsible for direc tl y helping to inform and shape ongoing conversations and policy debates. 5 - point scale; c odes 4 - 5, strong/mandatory; code 3, some expectation. Question asked of half the sample. General population, 27 - mkt avg. “Improving education and healthcare” is an average of attributes 9 and 10. “Jobs/economy” is an average of attributes 11 and 12. Callout among those employed in the food sector (Q420/8 and Q43/1). Jobs/economy Technology and automation Wage inequality Global warming and climate change Prejudice and discrimination Immigration and its impact on jobs Improving education and healthcare systems How to increase the COVID vaccination rate Who the next leader of the country should be 23 36 38 37 44 47 53 50 54 17 21 23 24 21 21 20 24 22 40 57 61 61 65 68 73 74 76 Strong/mandatory Some expectation Total expectation (among food sector employees) 74 65 65 64 63 59 59 59 38

30 Percent trust in my employer EMPLOYERS TRUSTED ACROSS SECTORS 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_INS. Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is rig ht . 9 - point scale; top 4 box, trust. General population, 27 - mkt avg., and by sector employed in (Q420). “Your employer” only shown to those who are an employee of an organization (Q43/1). Distrust Neutral Trust Change, 2021 to 2022 - 0 + 84 83 83 82 81 80 80 79 77 77 75 75 75 74 74 73 Global 27, All employees 77 MY EMPLOYER +1 0 +4 +1 +3 +10 n/a +1 +1 +1 +4 +1 - 1 - 1 +6 - 2 Change, 2021 to 2022 +1 pt Those employed in...

31 Percent trust MY EMPLOYER TRUSTED AROUND THE WORLD 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_INS. Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is rig ht . 9 - point scale; top 4 box, trust. General population, 27 - mkt avg, by region and among those employed in the food sector (Q420/8 and Q43/1). “Your employer” only shown to those who are an employee of an organization (Q43/1). Distrust Neutral Trust Change, 2021 to 2022 - 0 + 78 72 78 75 76 81 Americas GP Americas F&B employees APAC GP APAC F&B employees EMEA GP EMEA F&B employees 76 % Global 27 My employer more trusted than institutions Business 61 NGOs 59 Government 52 Media 50 77 MY EMPLOYER - 1 - 10 +1 - 3 +2 +8

32 9 6 15 13 16 21 21 27 13 13 13 10 8 8 8 6 53 52 45 47 46 41 40 32 66 65 58 57 54 49 48 38 Percent who believe information from each source automatically, or after seeing it twice or less MY EMPLOYER MEDIA MOST BELIEVABLE 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. HEAR_TIME1. When you see a new piece of information or a news story in each of the following information sources, how many ti me s do you need to see it or hear it repeated in that same type of information source before you believe it is really true? Question asked of half of t he sample. “Once or twice” is a sum of codes 2 and 3. General population, 27 - mkt avg. “Employer communications” only shown to those who are an employee of an organization (Q43/1); and filtered by food employees (Q420/8 and Q43/1). If I see it here, I will automatically assume it is true Once or twice Nr. of times they need to see the information repeated before believing it: I will never believe it is true if this is the only place I see it My employer National government Media reports, named source Major corporations Advertising Media reports, anonymous source My social media feed Communications from... among f&b employees among all employees


34 Percent who say among food and beverage employees WANT MORE, NOT LESS, BUSINESS ENGAGEMENT ON SOCIETAL ISSUES 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. BUS_BND. Think about business as an institution, and its current level of engagement in addressing societal needs and issues. Wh en it comes to each of the following areas, please indicate if you think business is going too far and overstepping what it should be doing, is doing ju st the right amount in regard to this activity, or is not going far enough in its actions and should be doing more. 3 - point scale; code 3, “ not doing enough”; code 1, “overstepping”. General population, 27 - mkt avg and among those employed in the food sector (Q420/8 and Q43/1). Gap, not doing enough vs. overstepping not doing enough overstepping On addressing each societal issue , business is... 50 48 45 44 41 37 10 10 10 11 9 14 Economic inequality Climate change Systemic injustice Workforce reskilling Access to healthcare Trustworthy information 40 pts 35 pts 38 pts 32 pts 23 pts 33 pts

35 62 55 47 57 Trust Index GOOD INFORMATION CAN HELP CLOSE THE SOCIETAL DIVIDE 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. The Trust Index is the average percent trust in NGOs, business, government and media. TRU_INS. Below is a list of institution s. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right. 9 - point scale; top 4 box, trust. General population, 22 - mkt av g., by income. Media Consumption scale. General population, 22 - mkt avg., by income. For full details on how the Well - Informed Scale was built, please refer to the Technical Appendix. Well - informed regularly do the following: Follow news regularly ❑ Consult 3+ news sources daily ❑ Read business and/or public policy news Seek quality information ❑ Consult news sources with which they disagree ❑ Check information against multiple sources Distrust Neutral Trust High income 2022 2012 Global 22 When low - income respondents are well - informed, they are more trusting than high - income respondents who are not High income, n ot well - informed Low income Low income, well - informed


3 4 2 1 RESTORING TRUST IN FOOD & BEVERAGE Break through the information barrier Provide clear, credible, fact - based information; demonstrate leadership in areas of concern; elevate and amplify trusted voices. Build trust across the full food ecosystem When trust in government lags, other institutions must play a larger role to build confidence in areas of concern. Engage in the societal issues your stakeholders care most about and demonstrate progress. Own the employer role in building trust Leverage trust in owned channels, “my CEO” and colleagues; provide platforms to amplify employee voices. Engage with other trusted institutions NGOs are doing important, effective work and strategically partnered, can help businesses with issues, actions and outcomes.