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17 Percent trust in the food and beverage sector INCOME - BASED TRUST INEQUALITY FOR FOOD REMAINS 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_IND. [FOOD AND BEVERAGE] Please indicate how much you trust businesses in each of the following industries to do what is rig ht. 9 - point scale; top 4 box, trust. Industries shown to half of the sample. General population, 22 - mkt avg., by income. Distrust Neutral Trust High income (Top 25%) Low (Bottom 25%) Trust gap, high vs. low income Top 5 countries with the greatest income - based trust inequality The Netherlands Thailand Saudi Arabia U.S. Indonesia 20 pts 18 pts 17 pts 15 pts 21 pts Global 22 9 pts 7 pts Food sector income trust divide grows during pandemic 65 70 74 71 69 71 61 60 63 64 60 62 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

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