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9 55 65 55 57 45 48 44 42 Percent who say each is a strength of institutions GOVERNMENT NOT SEEN AS ABLE TO SOLVE SOCIETAL PROBLEMS 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. CMP_ARE_[INS]. Thinking about [institution] as they are today, please indicate whether you consider each of the following dim ens ions to be one of their areas of strength or weakness. 5 - point scale; top 2 box, strength. Question asked of half of the sample. General population, 24 - mkt avg. Data not collected in China, Russia and Thailand. Business NGOs Media Government 50 % Majority do not see as strength Business NGOs Media Government Take a leadership role Coordinate cross - institutional efforts to solve societal problems Get results Successfully execute plans and strategies that yield results GLOBAL 24 Not asked in China, Russia, Thailand

Food and Beverage Sector - Page 9 Food and Beverage Sector Page 8 Page 10