29 Percent who expect CEOs to inform and shape conversations and policy debates about each issue CEOS EXPECTED TO INFORM POLICY ON JOBS, AUTOMATION, AND CLIMATE CHANGE 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. CEO_RSP. For each of the following topics, please indicate to what degree corporate CEOs should be held responsible for direc tl y helping to inform and shape ongoing conversations and policy debates. 5 - point scale; c odes 4 - 5, strong/mandatory; code 3, some expectation. Question asked of half the sample. General population, 27 - mkt avg. “Improving education and healthcare” is an average of attributes 9 and 10. “Jobs/economy” is an average of attributes 11 and 12. Callout among those employed in the food sector (Q420/8 and Q43/1). Jobs/economy Technology and automation Wage inequality Global warming and climate change Prejudice and discrimination Immigration and its impact on jobs Improving education and healthcare systems How to increase the COVID vaccination rate Who the next leader of the country should be 23 36 38 37 44 47 53 50 54 17 21 23 24 21 21 20 24 22 40 57 61 61 65 68 73 74 76 Strong/mandatory Some expectation Total expectation (among food sector employees) 74 65 65 64 63 59 59 59 38