Country Report - UK

Country Report Trust in the UK

21st ANNUAL EDELMAN TRUST General Online Population Informed Public BAROMETER 1,150 500 respondents in U.S. and China; Methodology 100 respondents in Nigeria; respondents per country 200 in all other countries Ages Represents 17% of total global population 18+ Must meet 4 criteria: Online survey in 28 countries* All slides show general ‣ Age 25-64 33,000+ respondents online population data ‣ College-educated 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer fieldwork unless otherwise noted ‣ In top 25% of household income conducted from October 19 to November 18, 2020 per age group in each country ‣ Report significant engagement in public policy and business news *The 2021 Trust Barometer 27-market global averages (for the general population, mass population and informed Mass Population public) do not include Nigeria 27-market global data margin of error: General population +/- 0.6% All population not including (N=31,050); informed public +/- 1.3% (N=6,000); mass population +/- informed public 0.6% (N=25,050+); half-sample global general online population +/- 0.8% (N=15,525). Represents 83% of total global Country-specific data margin of error: General population +/- 2.9% population (N=1,150); informed public +/- 6.9% (N=min 200, varies by country), except for China and U.S. +/- 4.4% (N=500) and Nigeria +/- 9.8% (N=100); mass population +/- 3.0% to 3.6% (N=min 736, varies by U.S. Post-Election Supplement country), except for Nigeria +/- 2.9% (N=1,125). U.S. Post-Election Supplement margin of error: +/- 2.5% (N=1,500). 1,500 U.S. respondents, fielded December 14 to 18, 2020 U.S. Post-Election Supplement ethnicity-specific data margin of error: Non-Hispanic White +/- 3.3% (N=894); all others +/- 4.0 (N=607). 2

2021 UK TRUST SUPPLEMENT Methodology Online Survey in the UK General Population Northern Ireland All fieldwork was - 2,000 respondents - Boost of 179* respondents to conducted between - Ages 18+ create total sample size of 232 3 – 12 February 2021 - Nationally representative of Scotland the UK population in terms Total sample size: 3,040 of gender, age, and region - Boost of 441* respondents to - All slides show General create total sample size of 601 Population unless JAN This symbol denotes otherwise noted Wales UK data from the Jan - Boost of 401* respondents to supplementary survey create total sample size of 502 FEB This symbol denotes UK data from the Feb supplementary survey * Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales boost samples were weighted in order that gender and age were nationally representative 3

2021 2021 Trust gap TRUST INEQUALITY Informed public Mass population SPREADS FURTHER 68 Global 27 52 Global 27 16 Record trust inequality 86 India 68 China 14 86 Saudi Arabia 68 Indonesia 15 Trust Index 83 Indonesia 67 India 19 82 China 67 Saudi Arabia 19 79 The Netherlands 66 Singapore 10 79 UAE 65 UAE 14 78 Malaysia 63 Malaysia 15 Distrust Neutral Trust 77 Australia 62 The Netherlands 17 (1-49) (50-59) (60-100) 76 Singapore 58 Kenya 7 DOUBLE-DIGIT TRUST 75 Thailand 56 Mexico 10 INEQUALITY IN RECORD 66 Italy 56 Thailand 19 NUMBER OF COUNTRIES 66 Mexico 55 Australia 22 Nr. of countries with 65 France 55 Canada 9 double-digit trust inequality Mass population 16 points less trusting 65 Kenya 52 Germany 10 65 S. Africa 51 Italy 15 Global 22 21 64 Canada 49 Nigeria* 3 63 Ireland 48 Ireland 15 62 Brazil 47 Brazil 15 62 Germany 46 Colombia 13 7 62 U.S. 45 France 20 59 Colombia 44 Argentina 12 59 S. Korea 44 S. Africa 21 59 UK 44 Spain 13 2012 2021 57 Spain 44 U.S. 18 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer. The Trust Index is the average 56 Argentina 43 S. Korea 16 percent trust in NGOs, business, government and media. TRU_INS. 52 Japan 43 UK 16 Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how 52 Nigeria* 39 Japan 13 much you trust that institution to do what is right. 9-point scale; top 4 41 Russia 28 Russia 13 box, trust. Informed public and mass population, 27-mkt avg. *Nigeria not included in the global average 4


SPRING TRUST BUBBLE BURSTS; BIGGEST LOSS FOR GOVERNMENT Distrust Neutral Trust - 0 + Percent trust, in the UK (1-49) (50-59) (60-100) Change, wave to wave Business Government NGOs Media Government trust most volatile 60 55 54 +8 -5 50 +1 51 -15 +6 -5 49 47 +24 45 48 -5 -1 44 44 +5 40 -3 37 36 35 -5 31 Jan 2020 May 2020 Jan 2021 Feb 2021 Jan 2020 May 2020 Jan 2021 Feb 2021 Jan 2020 May 2020 Jan 2021 Feb 2021 Jan 2020 May 2020 Jan 2021 Feb 2021 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_INS. Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right. 9-point scale; top 4 box, trust. General population, UK. 6

FEB THE INTEGRITY OF THE UNION ITSELF IS UNDER THREAT Percent agree The nations that make up the Scotland 82 UK are becoming more divided Northern Ireland 78 England 74 75% Wales 73 2021 UK Trust Supplement. Q4: Thinking about the key issues the UK is facing today, please select which statement best describes your opinion? 7-point scale; top 3 box, agree. General population, UK and boosted Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland samples. 7

FEB FEW THINK THE BREXIT DEAL WAS GOOD FOR THE UK Percent who say the Brexit deal was good for the UK Don’t know: A good deal Leave: 25% Remain: 19% 25% England 33 Leave 58 31% Wales 26 Remain 13 Scotland 25 44% Northern Ireland 21 Good Bad Don't know 2021 UK Trust Supplement. QX3: Do you think the Brexit deal was good or bad for the UK? 3-point scale; top box, good deal. General population, UK and boosted Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland samples. 8


FEB THE PANDEMIC HAS NEGATIVELY AFFECTED PEOPLE’S LIVES Percent who are say the pandemic has had a negative impact on the following A negative impact 68 A very negative impact 55 50 38 36 35 34 48 23 23 18 12 11 13 9 8 Ability to spend Personal Mental health Physical Financial Future job Ability to pay time with freedom and and wellbeing health Job security security prospects rent or mortgage family/friends rights 2021 UKTrust Supplement. Q10. Please think about your experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic so far. What impact, if any, has the pandemic had on each the following? 9-point scale; top 4 box, negative impact. Base UK: General Population (2,019). Job loss asked of those who are employed (1,216) 10

FEB THE GOVERNMENT’S HANDLING OF PANDEMIC FUELS CONCERN ABOUT THE FUTURE OF THE UK Percent who agree 46% Scotland 60% Wales 53% Said the UK Government’s Northern Ireland 51% handling of the pandemic had a negative impact on their view of the UK England 44% 2021 UKTrust Supplement. QY4. What impact, if any, has each of the following had on your views of the United Kingdom? 5-point scale; top 2 box, negative. General population, UK and boosted Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland samples 11

FEB THE PANDEMIC HAS HIGHLIGHTED NATIONAL DIVISIONS WITHIN THE UK Percent who agree The COVID-19 pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic has made me realise how There is a decreasing has made the break-up of divided the countries of the feeling of national unity the UK more likely UK are 74% 73% 70% 65% 72% 61% 68% 59% 62% 68% 61% 56% 64% 60% 58% 2021 UKTrust Supplement. Q13. Thinking about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people in the UK, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 9-point scale; top 4 box, agree. Q4.Thinking about the key issues the UK is facing today, please select which statement best describes your opinion? 7pt scale; bottom/top 3 box, agree. General population, UK and boosted Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland samples 12

FEB DEVOLVED GOVERNMENTS PERCEIVED TO HAVE PERFORMED BETTER Percent who believe the UK Government has performed well Percent who believe their devolved government has or poorly in their response to the pandemic performed well or poorly in their response to the pandemic UK England Scotland Wales Northern Scotland Wales Northern Ireland Ireland Net -33 -30 -53 -38 -42 Net +7 -4 -19 performance performance Performed Performed well 24 25 well 46 35 28 15 21 17 Performed 57 55 59 59 Performed 39 39 47 poorly 68 poorly 2021 UKTrust Supplement. Q18: Thinking about the Covid-19 pandemic in the UK, please select which statement best describes your opinion? 7-point scale; bottom 3 box, performed well, top 3 box, performed poorly. General population, UK and boosted Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland samples. 13

FEB LOCAL LEADERS EARN HIGHER LEVELS TRUST Percent trust in Boris Johnson Percent of each nation’s population Distrust Neutral Trust who trust their government leader (1-49) (50-59) (60-100) Boris Johnson Nicola Sturgeon Mark Drakeford Arlene Foster 62 40 41 43 34 32 32 31 2021 UKTrust Supplement. Q22: Please indicate how much you trust the following political leaders to do what is right. 9-point scale; top 4 box, trust. General population, UK and boosted Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland samples 14

FEB THE UK GOVERNMENT’S MANAGEMENT OF PANDEMIC STOKES SENTIMENT FOR BREAK-UP OF UNION IN SCOTLAND Percent who agree The UK Government’s handling of the pandemic Scotland Northern Wales has made me feel… Ireland More in favour of remaining in the UK 29 26 27 More in favour of 33 30 independence from the UK 45 Don’t know 6 7 12 No difference 20 34 31 2021 UK Trust Supplement. QY5: What impact, if any, has each of the following had on your views of [X Country] leaving the UK? 5-point scale; bottom 2 box, more in favour of independence. Top 2 box, more in favour of remaining in the UK. General population, UK and boosted Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland samples. 15

FEB THERE IS A SENSE OF UNFAIRNESS SURROUNDING THE TREATMENT OF EACH NATION BY THE GOVERNMENT Percent who agree The UK Government prioritises The UK Government does not the needs of some nations provide enough financial support over others to the devolved governments 66% 56% 65% 53% 45% 60% 37% 51% 43% 35% 2021 UK Trust Supplement. QY1: Thinking about the nations and regions that make up the UK, please select where your opinion falls on the scale between the two opposing descriptions? 7-point scale; top 3 box, agree. General population, UK and boosted Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland samples. 16

FEB THOUGH COLLABORATION BETWEEN WESTMINSTER AND THE DEVOLVED GOVERNMENTS WOULD NEED TO IMPROVE Percent who agree The UK Government does not The working relationship The working relationship work well with the leaders of between the UK Government between the UK Government Scotland, Wales and Northern and devolved nations during and devolved nations during Ireland the pandemic has made me the pandemic has made me more negative about the UK more in favor of independence from the UK 70% 51% 37% 51% 56% 44% 46% 32% 27% 53% 45% 27% 48% 42% 2021 UKTrust Supplement. QY1: Thinking about the nations and regions that make up the UK, please select where your opinion falls on the scale between the two opposing descriptions? 7- point scale; top 3 box, agree QY4: What impact, if any, has each of the following had on your views of the United Kingdom? 5-point scale; bottom 2 box, more negative. QY5: What impact, if any, has each of the following had on your views of [X Country] leaving the UK? 5-point scale; top 2 box, more in favour of independence. General population, UK and boosted Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland samples. 17

FEB MANY BELIEVE POWER SHOULD BE DEVOLVED, WITH UK GOVERNMENT PERCEIVED TO LACK LOCAL KNOWLEDGE Percent who agree 47% 47% The UK Government 66% Power and decision 70% does not have enough making should be local knowledge to 62% devolved to the nations govern effectively and regions that make 56% up the UK 56% 49% 44% 45% 2021 UKTrust Supplement. QY1: Thinking about the nations and regions that make up the UK, please select where your opinion falls on the scale between the two opposing descriptions? 7- point scale; top 3 box, agree. General population, UK and boosted Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland samples. 18

FEB THERE IS A SENSE OF UNFAIRNESS SURROUNDING THE TREATMENT OF EACH NATION BY THE GOVERNMENT Percent who agree The UK Government prioritises The UK Government does not the needs of some nations provide enough financial support over others to the devolved governments 66% 56% 65% 53% 45% 60% 37% 51% 43% 35% 2021 UK Trust Supplement. QY1: Thinking about the nations and regions that make up the UK, please select where your opinion falls on the scale between the two opposing descriptions? 7-point scale; top 3 box, agree. General population, UK and boosted Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland samples. 19

FEB UK-WIDE MEDIA FALLS SHORT ON REPRESENTATION OF ALL NATIONS & REGIONS IN THE UK Percent who agree Think the UK-wide media does a bad job of representing all 1in 2 the nations and regions that make up the UK 49% 66% 61% 59% 47% 1in 2 Said they would like to see morein UK-wide media about the nations and regions that make up the UK 45% 59% 52% 52% 43% 2021 UK Trust Supplement. QY1: Thinking about the nations and regions that make up the UK, please select where your opinion falls on the scale between the two opposing descriptions? 7-point scale; top 3 box, agree. General population, UK and boosted Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland samples. 20

FEB HOWEVER PUBLIC SPLIT ON QUESTION OF - 0 + INDEPENDENCE Net for/against independence How would you vote in a referendum for [X] to leave the union of the UK? Scotland Wales Northern Ireland Net score -1 -33 -35 For independence 40 25 24 Against independence 41 58 59 Undecided / Don’t know 20 17 17 2021 UK Trust Supplement. QY3: If there was a referendum today on each country leaving the union of the UK, what would be your response? In favour, against, undecided/don’t know. General population, UK and boosted Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland samples. 21


THE MAJORITY WOULD TAKE THE COVID-19 VACCINE BUT THERE ARE STARK DIFFERENCES BETWEEN DEMOGRAPHIC GROUPS Percent who say they will take the COVID-19 vaccine 93% 98% 84% 89% 84% 82% 79% 81% 69% 73% 82% 64% would take the COVID-19 vaccine if it was made available to them today Northern England Wales Scotland Ethnic Minority White Gen Z Millennials Gen X Boomers Silent Ireland Communities Undecided: 9% 10% 10% 8% 6% 21% 8% 16% 14% 9% 4% 1% No: 9% 11% 9% 8% 5% 16% 8% 15% 13% 9% 3% 1% 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer UK supplement. Qx1: If it was made available to you, would you have the COVID-19 vaccine? General population, UK and boosted Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland samples. Gen Z (217), Millennials (539), Gen X (579), Boomers (602), Silent (82), Ethnic Minority Communities (217), White 23 (1,799)

FEB EXPERTS MOST EFFECTIVE IN BUILDING VACCINE CONFIDENCE, SUPPORTED BY LOCAL NETWORK Percent trust in each spokesperson to convey that the COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective Distrust Neutral Trust 71% 71% 74% 76% 78% 68% 45% 48% 40% Your local The Prime Your The company Your closest Public health A member of Medical MP Minister neighbour manufacturing friend officials your family academics Your GP the vaccine 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer UK supplement. QX2: Please indicate how much you trust each of the following people in convincing you that the COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective? 9 point scale; top 4 Box, trust. Base UK: General Population (2,019) 24

FEB WORD-OF-MOUTH CRITICAL FOR YOUNGER GENERATIONS, WHO ARE LESS TRUSTING OF EXPERT VOICES Percent trust in each spokesperson to convey that the COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective Distrust Neutral Trust Gen X, Boomers, Silent Gen Z / Millennials 74% 81% 79% 75% 72% 66% 71%71% 71% 72% 73% 61% 46% 44% 43% 38% -3 +6 -11 -8 - -10 -7 -2 The company Public health Your closest Medical academics A member of The Prime Minister Your local MP manufacturing the officials friend Your GP your family vaccine 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer UK supplement. Please indicate how much you trust each of the following people in convincing you that the COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective? 9 point scale; top 4 Box, trust. Base UK: Gen X, Boomers, Silent (1,263), Gen Millennials (756) 25

FEB WORD-OF-MOUTH CRITICAL FOR ETHNIC MINORITY COMMUNITIES, WHO ARE LESS TRUSTING OF MEDICAL VOICES Percent trust in each spokesperson to convey that the COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective White communities Ethnic Minority Communities Most likely to trust immediate network 72% 79% 77% 75% 69% 71% 69% 66% 67% 67% 58% 58% 46% 41% 41% 40% +1 -5 -11 -14 -14 -10 -4 -6 The company Public health Your Medical Your A member of The Prime Minister Your local MP manufacturing the officials GP academics closest friend your family vaccine 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer UK supplement. Please indicate how much you trust each of the following people in convincing you that the COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective? 9 point scale; top 4 Box, trust. Base UK. Ethnic Minority Communities (217), White (1,799) 26


JAN TACKLING CLIMATE CHANGE SEEN AS AN URGENT PRIORITY AMONG UK PUBLIC Percent agree Said tackling climate change is more 2in 3 urgent now than ever before (66%) Said the COVID-19 pandemic has made them 1in 5more aware of the impact of climate change (40%) 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer UK supplement. Q26X- Now, thinking specifically about climate change, to what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following? 9pt scale; Top 4 Box, agree. Base UK: General population (2,014) 28

JAN YET PEOPLE ARE PESSIMISTIC ABOUT THE UK’S CURRENT PROGRESS Percent agree The UK is making Climate change will progress towards tackling improve in my lifetime climate change 48% 33% 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer UK supplement. Q26X- Now, thinking specifically about climate change, to what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following? 9pt scale; Top 4 Box, agree. Base UK: General population (2,014) 29

JAN BRITS BELIEVE GOVERNMENT AND BUSINESS FALL SHORT ON THEIR RESPONSIBILITY AND SHOULD DO MORE Percent agree Expectation: It is [x]'s responsibility to tackle climate change Performance: [x] is currently doing enough to tackle climate change 71% 67% 65% 46% 30% 27% -41 -40 -19 The government Businesses in general Individuals like me 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer UK supplementQ27r: X- Now, thinking specifically about responsibility for tackling climate change, to what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following? 9pt scale; Top 4 Box, agree. Base UK: General population (2,014) 30

JAN COLLABORATION BETWEEN GOVERNMENT AND BUSINESS IS NEEDED TO SOLVE ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Percent in the UK who believe businesses and government should work together to solve climate change To tackle climate change, the UK should most urgently … Reducing plastic waste 51 Investing in renewable energy 47 78% Reducing air pollution (carbon emissions) 40 Stop deforestation 39 Cut fossil-fuels 36 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer UK Supplement. Q27r: X- Now, thinking specifically about responsibility for tackling climate change, to what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following? 9pt scale; Top 4 Box, agree. Q28. In your opinion, what should the UK focus on most urgently in order to address climate change? Ranked in top 5. Base UK: General population (2,014) 31

JAN THE BRITISH PUBLIC RECOGNISE THEIR OWN PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY Percent agree I understand how I I am personally can personally contribute to taking steps to help tackling climate change tackle climate change 64% 63% 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer UK supplement. Q27r: X- Now, thinking specifically about responsibility for tackling climate change, to what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following? 9pt scale; Top 4 Box, agree. Base UK: General population (2,014) 32

JAN THERE IS A GAP BETWEEN ACTIONS BELIEVED TO HAVE AN IMPACT AND WHAT PUBLIC PREPARED TO DO Percent agree Will have an impact in reducing climate change Is something I am personally prepared to do 78% 76% 70% 66% 64% 70% 63% 61% 60% 58% 61% 52% 48% 46% 48% 51% 41% 41% 35% 29% 34% 34% 34% 30% 22% 14% 13% 10% Reduce Reduce Switch to a Eat more Use an Buy fewer Go on fewer Use more Switch to only Pay tax on Eat less meat Not have Stop eating Take part in a plastic waste general waste renewable sustainably electric, new pieces of international public buying local carbon children or meat climate energy sourced food rather than clothing holidays to transport produce emissions have fewer altogether change provider petrol car reduce their children protest air travel -8 -15 -22 -25 -30 -12 -27 -26 -28 -38 -13 -24 -28 -19 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer UK Supplement. Q29r1X- To what extent, if at all, do you think the following actions by individuals would have an impact in addressing climate change? 9pt scale; Top 4 Box, impact. Q30. Which, if any, of the following would you personally be prepared to do, or do already, to help tackle climate change? Base UK: General population (2,014) 33


TRUST IN ALL INFORMATION SOURCES AT RECORD LOWS Percent trust in each source for general news and information, in the UK 61 58 61 60 Trusted (60-100) 55 57 55 57 53 54 54 54 55 52 46 Change 50 51 48 2020-2021 47 44 Search engines* -6 31 32 31 31 34 28 28 28 Traditional media -13 30 26 23 27 29 27 29 28 Owned media -11 25 26 24 19 Social media -9 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer. COM_MCL. When looking for general news and information, how much would you trust each type of source for general news and information? 9-point scale; top 4 box, trust. Question asked of half of the sample. General population, UK. *From 2012-2015, “Online Search Engines” were included as a media type. In 2016, this was changed to “Search Engines.” 35

NEWS ORGANISATIONS SEEN AS BIASED Percent who agree, in the UK Journalists and reporters Most news organisations The media is not doing well at are purposely trying to are more concerned with being objective and non- people by saying partisan mislead supporting an ideology or things they know are false or political position than with gross exaggerations informing the public 54% 56% 69% 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer. POP_EMO. Some people say they worry about many things while others say they have few concerns. We are interested in what you worry about. Specifically, how much do you worry about each of the following? 9-point scale; top 4 box, worry. Attributes shown to half of the sample. ATT_MED_AGR. Below is a list of statements. For each one, please rate how much you agree or disagree with that statement. 9-point scale; top 4 box, agree. Question asked of half of the sample. PER_MED. How well do you feel the media is currently doing each of the following? Please indicate your answer using the 5-point scale below. 5-point scale; bottom 3 box, not doing well. Question asked of half of the sample. General population, UK. 36

PRIORITIES SHIFT: MY INFORMATION Change in importance since the start of the year Net change More Less LITERACY NOW in the UK… Important Important MATTERS MORE Prioritizing my family and their needs +50 56 6 Change in importance since last year (more important minus less important) Being politically aware +31 40 9 Increasing my media and +26 34 8 information literacy Speaking out when I see need for +19 28 9 changes and reforms science literacy +18 29 11 Increasing my 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer. IMP_VALUES. For each of the following, please indicate whether it has become more important to you, less important to you, or has stayed the same in importance, since last year. 5-point scale; top 2 box; more important; bottom 2 box, less important. Question asked of half of the sample. General population, UK. Net change is the difference between more and less important. 37

IN THE UK, LESS THAN 1 IN 4 HAVE GOOD INFORMATION HYGIENE Percent in each segment Information hygiene: 46 1. News engagement 45%of respondents share or forward news 2. Avoid information echo itemsthat they find to be chambers interesting. 3. Verify information 32 Of those, only 23% have 4. Do not amplify good information hygiene unvetted information 22 Poor Moderate Good information hygiene information hygiene information hygiene 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer. MED_SEG_OFT. How often do you engage in the following activities related to news and information? Indicate your answer using the 7-point scale below. 7- point scale; top 5 box, several times a month or more. General population, UK. For full details on how the Information Hygiene Scale was built, please refer to the Technical Appendix. 38

EMPLOYER MEDIA MOST BELIEVABLE Percent who believe information from each source automatically, or after seeing it twice or less, in the UK Communications from… My employer National Media reports, Major Media reports, Advertising My social media government named source corporations anonymous 63 source 61 58 Nr. of times they need to see 51 the information repeated 46 45 before believing it: Once or twice 47 45 47 28 If I see it here, I will 42 38 38 automatically assume it is true 23 16 16 11 9 8 7 5 I will never believe it is true 12 16 16 21 23 30 49 if this is the only place I see it 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer. HEAR_TIME1. When you see a new piece of information or a news story in each of the following information sources, how many times do you need to see it or hear it repeated in that same type of information source before you believe it is really true? Question asked of half of the sample. “Once or twice” is a sum of codes 2 and 3. General population, UK. “Employer communications” only shown to those that are an employee (Q43/1). 39


BUSINESS EXPECTED TO FILL VOID LEFT BY GOVERNMENT Percent who agree, in the UK CEOs should step in CEOs should take the lead CEOs should hold when the government does not fix on change rather than waiting themselves accountable to societal problems for government to impose change the public and not just to the on them board of directors or shareholders 59% 60% 63% 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer. CEO_EXP. Below is a list of potential expectations that you might have for a company CEO. Thinking about CEOs in general, whether they are global CEOs or a CEO who oversees a particular country, how would you characterize each using the following three-point scale? 3-point scale, sum of codes 2 and 3. Question asked of half of the sample. CEO_AGR. Thinking about CEOs, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 9-point scale; top 4 box, trust. Question asked of half of the sample. General population, UK. 41

CEOS MUST LEAD ON SOCIETAL ISSUES Percent in the UK who expect CEOs to publicly speak out about one or more of these societal challenges Pandemic impact 58 Job automation 39 80% Local community issues 34 Societal issues 34 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer. CEO_SPEAK. Looking at the topics listed below, please select the ones you expect CEOs to currently be speaking out about publicly. Select all that apply. Question asked of half of the sample. General population, UK. CEO expectation to speak out is a net of attributes 1, 2, 5 and 7. 42

BUSINESS GAINS THE MOST TRUST BY BEING A GUARDIAN OF INFORMATION QUALITY Percent increased likelihood of trusting business associated with performing well on each action When these actions are performed well… Increased likelihood of trust Guarding information quality +5.8% Embracing sustainable practices +5.7% Robust COVID-19 health and safety response +4.8% Driving economic prosperity +4.7% Long-term thinking over short-term profits +4.6% 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer. Discrete choice analysis; results shown are marginal effects on likelihood to trust. PER_BUS. How well do you feel business is currently doing each of the following? 5-point scale; top 2 box, doing well. Question asked of half of the sample. TRU_INS. Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right. 9-point scale; top 4 box, trust. General population, 27-mkt avg. For a full explanation of how this data was calculated, please see the Technical Appendix. 43

EMPLOYEE EXPECTATIONS SHIFT: SAFETY Change in importance AND UPSKILLING as an employer attribute since the start of the year Net change More Less MATTER MORE in the UK… Important Important Change in importance since last year Keep workers, customers safe +42 52 10 (more important minus less important) Regular employee communications +37 46 9 Job skills training programmes +31 41 10 Diverse, representative workforce +26 37 11 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer. EMP_IMP_VAL. When considering an organization as a potential place of employment, please indicate whether each of the following has become more important to you, less important to you, or has stayed the same in importance since last year. 5-point scale; top 2 box; more important; bottom 2 box, less important. Question asked of those who are an employee (Q43/1). General population, UK. Net change is the difference between more and less important. 44

CONSUMERS AND EMPLOYEES EXPECTED TO HAVE A SEAT AT THE TABLE Percent who agree, in the UK 63% 58% of those who 48%are employed Consumers … Employees … I am more likely now than a year have the power to force ago to voice my objections to corporations to change management or engage in workplace protest 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer. TMA_SIE_SHV. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. 9-point scale; top 4 box, agree. Question asked of half of the sample. EMP_ENG. Thinking about your current employer, to what extent do you agree with the following statements? 9-point scale; top 4 box, agree. Question asked of those who are an employee (Q43/1). General population, UK. 45

EMERGING FROM INFORMATION BANKRUPTCY 1 2 3 4 Business: Embrace Lead with facts, Provide Don’t go it alone expanded mandate act with empathy trustworthy content CEOs must lead on issues Societal leaders must have the All institutions must provide Business, government, NGOs from sustainability and courage to provide straight truthful, unbiased, reliable and others must find a systemic racism to upskilling. talk, but also empathize and information. common purpose and take Act first, talk after. address people’s fears. collective action to solve societal problems. 46


2021 EDELMAN TRUST BAROMETER SAMPLE SIZE, QUOTAS AND MARGIN OF ERROR General Population Informed Public Sample Size* Quotas Set On** Margin of Error Sample Size* Quotas Set On*** Margin of Error Global 31,050 Age, Gender, Region +/- 0.6% total sample 6,000 Age, Education, +/- 1.3% total sample +/- 0.8% half sample Gender +/- 1.8% half sample China and 1,150 Age, Gender, Region +/- 2.9% total sample 500 Age, Education, +/- 4.4% total sample U.S. +/- 4.1% half sample Gender +/- 6.2% half sample Nigeria 1,150 Age, Gender, Region +/- 2.9% total sample 100 Age, Education, +/- 9.8% total sample +/- 4.1% half sample Gender +/- 13.9% half sample All other 1,150 Age, Gender, Region +/- 2.9% total sample 200 Age, Education, +/- 6.9% total sample countries +/- 4.1% half sample Gender +/- 9.8% half sample NOTE: Questions that afforded respondents the opportunity to criticize their government were not asked in China, Russia and Thailand. * Some questions were asked of only half of the sample. Please refer to the footnotes on each slide for details. ** For the general population, there were additional quotas on ethnicity in the UK and U.S., and on nationality in the UAE and Saudi Arabia. *** For the informed public, there were additional quotas on nationality in the UAE and Saudi Arabia. 48

2021 EDELMAN TRUST BAROMETER 1. News engagement (does one or more of these several times a week or more) • “Read, view or listen to news and information produced by major news organizations or HOW WE MEASURED publications at the original source” MED_SEG_OFTr1 • “Read news and information from major news organizations sent to me by others or pushed to INFORMATION HYGIENE me on a news feed, social network platform or application” MED_SEG_OFTr2 • “Read, view or listen to news and information put out by major corporations regarding important To determine whether respondents practiced good social and political issues and events” MED_SEG_OFTr16 information hygiene, we measured four dimensions: • “Listen to podcasts or read newsletters or blog posts put out by independent individuals whom I 1. Regular engagement with news: Do they stay informed? trust to keep me informed about important issues, but who do not work for a news media company”MED_SEG_OFTr17 2. Engagement with differing points of view: Do they avoid information echo chambers? 2. Avoiding information echo chambers (must say they do one or more of these) 3. Information verification: Do they avoid assuming something • “How often do you read or listen to information or points of view from people, media sources or is true simply because it supports their point of view? organizations with whom you often disagree?” NEWS_DIS (weekly or more) 4. Avoids spreading misinformation: Do they check information • “When someone you know sends you some information that supports a position that you do veracity before forwarding content to others? NOT believe, which of the following do you typically do with it?” POS_DIS (study thoroughly) 3. Verify information (must say they do two or more of these) Each respondent’s level of information hygiene was • “Confirm that a news story is really true by looking across multiple information sources” categorized based on their performance across the four MED_SEG_OFTr15 (several times a week or more) dimensions: • “When someone you know sends you some information that supports a position you believe, • Good: Performs well on three or more dimensions which of the following do you typically do with it?” POS_BEL (use fact-checking sites and/or verify from people I know and/or go to original source material) • Moderate: Performs well on any two dimensions • Poor: Performs well on one or fewer dimensions 4. Do not amplify unvetted information (must never do this) • “Pass on news and information to others without first checking its accuracy or the integrity of the source” MED_SEG_OFTr18 49

2021 EDELMAN TRUST BAROMETER HOW WE PLOTTED THE INSTITUTIONAL COMPETENCE AND ETHICS SCORES The competence score (the x-axis of the plot):An institution’s competence score is a net of the top 3 box (AGREE) minus the bottom 3 box (DISAGREE) responses to the question “To what extent do you agree with the following statement? [INSTITUTION] in general is good at what it does”. The resulting net score was then subtracted by 50 so that the dividing line between more competent and less competent institutions crossed the y-axis at zero. The net ethical score (the y-axis of the plot): The ethics dimension is defined by four separate items. For each item, a net score was calculated by taking the top 5 box percentage representing a positive ethical perception minus the bottom 5 box percentage representing a negative ethical perception. The y-axis value is an average across those 4 net scores. Scores higher than zero indicate an institution that is perceived as ethical. DIMENSION ETHICAL PERCEPTION UNETHICAL PERCEPTION Respondents were asked: Purpose-Driven Highly effective agent of Completely ineffective agent In thinking about why you do or do not trust [INSTITUTION], positive change of positive change please specify where you think they fall on the scale Honest Honest and fair Corrupt and biased between the two opposing descriptions. (Please use the Vision Has a vision for the future Does not have a vision for the slider to indicate where you think [INSTITUTION] falls that I believe in future that I believe in between the two extreme end points of each scale.) Serves the interests of Serves the interests of only Fairness everyone equally and fairly certain groups of people 50

2021 EDELMAN TRUST BAROMETER Full list of behaviors examined (top 5 highlighted in bold) 1. Meeting your overall expectations for how they should be HOW WE CALCULATED INCREASED responding to the health and public safety aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic LIKELIHOOD TO TRUST BUSINESS 2. Meeting your overall expectations for how they should be responding to the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic 3. Partnering with other organizations and societal institutions, even if they might be competitors, to mount the strongest and most Respondents were asked to evaluate the performance of business as an institution effective responses possible to our societal challenges against a variety of behavioral expectations. These performance scores were then 4. Stepping in to fill leadership voids and policy gaps left by government incorporated into a discrete choice analysis to determine which behaviors, if done 5. Doing everything they can to ensure the safety and wellbeing of well, would provide the greatest boost to trust in business. our people and communities The top five performance drivers of trust, defined in terms of marginal effect on 6. Identifying and addressing systemic inequalities, unfair treatment, likelihood to trust associated with doing that behavior well, are displayed on the and prejudices within society and in the business world slide. 7. Shaping our culture for the better by inspiring positive change in how we see and treat ourselves and each other 8. Developing new solutions to help address our country’s problems 9. Working to benefit their employees, customers, and local community, in addition to their owners and shareholders 10. Putting people before profits 11. Being the guardian of information quality, working to ensure that only true, verified information is being shared and circulated Respondents were asked: 12. Driving the economic prosperity of our country 13. Working to ensure that our workers have the skills necessary to be How well do you feel business is currently doing competitive in the global job market each of the following? Please indicate your answer 14. Investing in the local communities where they are headquartered using the 5-point scale below where 1 means the or have large production facilities/offices institution is “failing at this” and 5 means the 15. Taking a long-term perspective when making business institution is “doing this very well”. decisions versus focusing on short-term profits 16. Embracing sustainable practices across their business 51

Country Report - UK - Page 52