FEB WORD-OF-MOUTH CRITICAL FOR ETHNIC MINORITY COMMUNITIES, WHO ARE LESS TRUSTING OF MEDICAL VOICES Percent trust in each spokesperson to convey that the COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective White communities Ethnic Minority Communities Most likely to trust immediate network 72% 79% 77% 75% 69% 71% 69% 66% 67% 67% 58% 58% 46% 41% 41% 40% +1 -5 -11 -14 -14 -10 -4 -6 The company Public health Your Medical Your A member of The Prime Minister Your local MP manufacturing the officials GP academics closest friend your family vaccine 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer UK supplement. Please indicate how much you trust each of the following people in convincing you that the COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective? 9 point scale; top 4 Box, trust. Base UK. Ethnic Minority Communities (217), White (1,799) 26

Country Report - UK - Page 26 Country Report - UK Page 25 Page 27