2021 EDELMAN TRUST BAROMETER SAMPLE SIZE, QUOTAS AND MARGIN OF ERROR General Population Informed Public Sample Size* Quotas Set On** Margin of Error Sample Size* Quotas Set On*** Margin of Error Global 31,050 Age, Gender, Region +/- 0.6% total sample 6,000 Age, Education, +/- 1.3% total sample +/- 0.8% half sample Gender +/- 1.8% half sample China and 1,150 Age, Gender, Region +/- 2.9% total sample 500 Age, Education, +/- 4.4% total sample U.S. +/- 4.1% half sample Gender +/- 6.2% half sample Nigeria 1,150 Age, Gender, Region +/- 2.9% total sample 100 Age, Education, +/- 9.8% total sample +/- 4.1% half sample Gender +/- 13.9% half sample All other 1,150 Age, Gender, Region +/- 2.9% total sample 200 Age, Education, +/- 6.9% total sample countries +/- 4.1% half sample Gender +/- 9.8% half sample NOTE: Questions that afforded respondents the opportunity to criticize their government were not asked in China, Russia and Thailand. * Some questions were asked of only half of the sample. Please refer to the footnotes on each slide for details. ** For the general population, there were additional quotas on ethnicity in the UK and U.S., and on nationality in the UAE and Saudi Arabia. *** For the informed public, there were additional quotas on nationality in the UAE and Saudi Arabia. 48

Country Report - UK - Page 48 Country Report - UK Page 47 Page 49