MAJORITY OF AMERICANS STILL IN PANDEMIC SURVIVAL MODE Which best describes how you’re feeling? Communities of color Trump voters far report much higher more ready to return pandemic mindset to pre-pandemic life 76 79 U.S. general population 74 74 71 71 66 67 65 69 65 63 61 64 I am still in a 47 pandemic mindset 67%–worried about my safety and operating in survival mode VS Wh Bl La As Me Wo Ag Ag Ag Tr Bi No Mi So We a t i n e e e um d r d u i c i a m e t w s I feel that the pandemic is t k n n s s s h t t e X e p n e e h 1 3 5 Am n 8 5 5 v a s largely behind us and I am - - + v o s t e 3 5 ot te t taking advantage of every r 4 4 e r i r s c s opportunity I can to get back a to my pre-pandemic life as n quickly as possible 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Trust and the Coronavirus. LIFE_CHOICE. You are about to see two choices. We want you to choose the one that best describes how you are feeling. General population, U.S., and by demographics. 7

Trust and the Coronavirus in the US. - Page 7 Trust and the Coronavirus in the US. Page 6 Page 8