MORE THAN HALF Communities HAVE EXPERIENCED 54 47 54 45 COVID HEALTH IMPACT 24 23 32 13 Percent of Americans who have experienced White Black Latinx Asian American health impact due to the pandemic Gender |Age 49 55 48 51 56 22 27 23 24 27 I have personally contracted Covid, or know someone who has Men Women 18-34 35-54 55+ Voted for… | Geography 27 Not hospitalized 48 55 55 58 49 49 48 54 58 52%25Hospitalized or deceased 22 28 29 27 23 22 24 24 27 U.S. general population Trump Biden NE MW S W Urban Suburb Rural 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Trust and the Coronavirus. COV_CON. Which of the following have happened to you as a result of the coronavirus pandemic? Pick all that apply. General population, U.S., and by demographics. “I Personally contracted Covid or know someone who has” is a net of attributes 1 and 2. “Not hospitalized” is the difference between the net and attribute 2. 6

Trust and the Coronavirus in the US. - Page 6 Trust and the Coronavirus in the US. Page 5 Page 7