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MOST AMERICANS U.S. general population Among those who NOT READY FOR have been vaccinated RETURN TO Going to doctors’ offices 56 69 NORMAL Shopping in stores 55 57 Dining indoors at restaurants 33 33 Vaccination Which would or do you feel safe does not confer doing right now? immediate Staying at hotels 31 33 peace of mind about resuming 24 normal Going to my workplace 28 activities Getting salon services 28 33 Sending kids to schools 27 26 Visiting elderly family members 25 26 Meeting friends without 25 21 social distancing Flying commercial airlines 20 23 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Trust and the 13 Coronavirus. SAFE. Which of the following would you, or do you, Using public transportation 16 feel safe doing right now? Pick all that apply. General population, U.S., and among those who have been vaccinated (VACCINE2/1). 8

Trust and the Coronavirus in the US. - Page 8 Trust and the Coronavirus in the US. Page 7 Page 9