Hold Divisive Forces Accountable Percent who say GLOBAL 25 Excludes China and Thailand I believe CEOs are obligated to … Companies could strengthen the social fabric if they Defend facts and expose questionable Pull advertising money from Support politicians and media that science used to justify bad social policy platforms that spread misinformation build consensus and cooperation (avg) 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer. CEO_PLAY_BK. How obligated do you believe CEOs are to take the following actions? 5-point scale; top 3 box, obligated. Attributes shown to half of the sample. POL_SOL. How important do you feel each of the following would be to increasing civility among people in your country and strengthening the social fabric that binds people together? 6-point scale; top 3 box, help strengthen the social fabric. Attributes shown to half of the sample. General population, 25-mkt avg. Data for certain attributes not collected in China and Thailand. “When companies support politicians and media outlets that build consensus” is an average of attributes 2 and 9.

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