Navigating a Polarized World 1 2 3 4 Business must Collaborate with Restore economic Advocate for continue to lead government optimism the truth As the most trusted institution, The best results come when A grim economic view is Business has an essential role business holds the mantle of business and government work both a driver and outcome of to play in the information greater expectation and together, not independently. polarization. Invest in fair ecosystem. Be a source of responsibility. Leverage your Build consensus and collaborate compensation, training, and reliable information, promote comparative advantage to inform on policies and standards to local communities to address civil discourse, and hold false debate and deliver solutions deliver results that push us the mass-class divide and the information sources accountable across climate, diversity and toward a more just, secure, and cycle of polarization. through corrective messaging, inclusion, and skill training. thriving society. reinvestment, and other action.

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