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CONSUMERS WANT TO USE THEIR BRAND POWER TO MAKE SOCIETY BETTER Consumers believe they can force brands to: I can force brands to Use environmentally-friendly materials 39 Improve labor practices 38 change its company’s Reduce carbon footprint 37 Pay fair share of taxes 33 78% societal impact (net) Increase workforce diversity 32 Manufacture products in this country 31 Get CEO to speak out 27 Get rid of CEO 25 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Trust, The New Brand Equity. BRD_IMP. If a large group of consumers put pressure on a brand, which of the following do you think they could force the brand to do? Pick all that apply. Question asked of half of the sample. General population, 14-mkt avg. “All of the above” added to each 16 response. Data on the left is a net of attributes 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12.

Trust The New Brand Equity - Page 16 Trust The New Brand Equity Page 15 Page 17