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DATA IN DETAIL FULL TEXT FOR ANSWER CHOICES THAT WERE ABBREVIATED IN THE REPORT BRD_IMP: What consumers believe they can force brands to do Shortened Full Use environmentally-friendly materials Ensure that the raw materials it uses are cruelty-free and harvested or collected in environmentally friendly ways Improve labor practices Improve its labor practices and how it treats its employees Reduce carbon footprint Reduce the size of its carbon footprint and enhance its sustainability practices Pay fair share of taxes Pay its fair share of taxes Increase workforce diversity Increase the diversity of its workforce Manufacture products in this country Manufacture or produce its products in this country instead of in cheaper labor markets Get CEO to speak out Get its CEO to speak out on an important societal issue Get rid of CEO Get rid of its CEO if they disapproved of his or her actions 34

Trust The New Brand Equity - Page 34 Trust The New Brand Equity Page 33 Page 35