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DATA IN DETAIL FULL TEXT FOR ANSWER CHOICES THAT WERE ABBREVIATED IN THE REPORT SECTOR: Issues that business sectors must speak out on or risk losing trust Shortened Full Worker’s rights and paying a living wage Protecting worker’s rights and paying a living wage Safely re-opening the economy Safely re-opening the economy post COVID Poverty Alleviating poverty and helping the poor Corporate taxes Making companies pay their fair share of taxes Climate change and the environment Taking actions to combat climate change and environmental degradation Healthcare Improving access to healthcare Human rights Protecting human rights worldwide Diet and nutrition Improving people’s diet and nutrition Gender equality Promoting gender equality Racism Ending racism and racial inequality Disability inclusion Making our society more inclusive and accepting when it comes to people with physical or mental disabilities Job automation Addressing the impact of technology and globalization on jobs in this country Education Ensuring access to a quality education Misinformation in the media Protecting the independence of the media and actively combatting misinformation and outright lies Childcare Guaranteeing quality childcare 35

Trust The New Brand Equity - Page 35 Trust The New Brand Equity Page 34 Page 36