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Since May 2020, IMPROVED MARKS FOR BUSINESS PANDEMIC RESPONSE Percent of Americans who say business in general is doing well on each of the following during the pandemic + - 0 U.S. general population Change, May 2020 to March 2021 Implementing safety measures +9 55 to protect both workers and customers Preparing for the eventual recovery +5 44 and figuring how to return things to normal Being a reliable +3 40 source of useful, accurate information Making sure workers are fairly compensatedfor the extra risks and hardships n/a 35 Low marks for fairness they are facing in their jobs during a pandemic 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Trust and the Coronavirus. NEW_PER_BUS. When it comes to how it has performed thus far during the COVID-19 pandemic, how well do you believe business in general is currently doing each of the following? 5-point scale; top 2 box, doing well. General population, U.S. This question was tracked back to the 2020 Trust Barometer Special Report: Spring Update. 12

Trust and the Coronavirus in the US. - Page 12 Trust and the Coronavirus in the US. Page 11 Page 13