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43 2022 EDELMAN TRUST BAROMETER SPECIAL REPORT: TRUST AND HEALTH HOW WE CALCULATED THE DETERMINANTS OF GOOD HEALTH BEHAVIORS We used a regression analysis to evaluate potential drivers that would increase the likelihood that respondents were fully vaccinated or had a check - up within the past year. The analysis looked at trust in the health ecosystem, as well as additional factors that other research has found are important in predicting good health behaviors: • age • gender • income • level of education • quality of healthcare • trust in government • trust in the health ecosystem The results indicated that even after accounting for all these factors, trust in the health ecosystem is a top determinant of good health behaviors. Regression variables in detail: 1. Age: • 18 - 34 • 35 - 54 • 55+ 2. Gender • Men • Women 3. Income • First quartile • Second quartile • Third quartile • Fourth quartile 4. Education • Less than college • College and above 5. Quality of healthcare • Less than very good • Very good or better 6. Trust in government • Top 4 box (6 - 9) – those who trust government • Those who do not trust government (1 - 5,99) 7. Trust in the health ecosystem • Lower 33% • Middle 33% • Upper 33%

Trust and Health - Page 43 Trust and Health Page 42 Page 44