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17 Percent who are fully vaccinated , among those with lower vs. higher trust in the health ecosystem THOSE WITH LOWER TRUST IN THE HEALTH ECOSYSTEM FAR LESS LIKELY TO BE VACCINATED 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Trust and Health. VAC_STA_TUS. Which of the following best describes your current vaccine status? General population, 9 - mkt avg., by level of trust in health ecosystem. For full details on how the Health Ecosystem Trust scale was built, please refer to the T ech nical Appendix. *Nigeria is not included in the global average. Data is rebased to exclude those who selected “prefer not to answer.” 61 82 Lower trust in the health ecosystem Higher trust in the health ecosystem 21 pts Gap 46 61 64 68 41 21 68 49 82 61 84 89 90 92 62 42 88 68 97 74 U.S. France Canada Germany Japan *Nigeria UK S. Korea China Mexico 38 13 28 26 24 21 21 20 15 19 Global 9

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