16 Regression analysis: increase associated with each determinant TRUST RANKS AMONG TOP DETERMINANTS OF GOOD HEALTH BEHAVIORS When respondents... Increased likelihood to be fully vaccinated (standardized across determinant levels) Are in older age groups 8.1% Have higher trust in the health ecosystem 5.0% Trust government 4.4% Have high - quality healthcare 4.0% Are higher income 3.4% When respondents... Increased likelihood to have had regular check - ups (standardized across determinant levels) Have high - quality healthcare 5.8% Have higher trust in the health ecosystem 5.1% Are higher income 4.1% Are in older age groups 3.3% Have higher education 3.0% 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Trust and Health. Regression analysis. VAC_STA_TUS. Which of the following best describes your current vaccine status? HEA_BHV. Have you done any of the following within the past year? General population, 9 - mkt avg. This analysis found the increased likeli hood for each action given the behavior at the items in the table. For a full explanation of how this analysis was done, please see the Technical Appendix.

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