19 Percent who are fully vaccinated , and percentage point gain associated with higher trust in the health ecosystem TRUST MITIGATES EFFECT OF SOCIAL DISPARITIES ON VACCINATION RATES 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Trust and Health. VAC_STA_TUS. Which of the following best describes your current vaccine status? General population, 9 - mkt avg., by income and quality of healthcare (CRE_ACC/1 - 4; 5 - 7); and among low income with higher trust in health ecosystem, and poor - qualit y healthcare with higher trust in health ecosystem. For full details on how the Health Ecosystem Trust scale, please refer to the Technical Appendix. Data is rebased to exclude those who selected “prefer not to answer.” 79 65 79 High income Low income 82 67 76 High quality Poor quality SOCIAL DISPARITY: INCOME LEVELS SOCIAL DISPARITY: QUALITY OF HEALTHCARE %pt. increase with higher trust in the health ecosystem +14 Low income, higher trust %pt. increase with higher trust in the health ecosystem +9 Poor quality, higher trust

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