6 IN 10 CHOOSE THEIR EMPLOYER BASED ON BELIEFS Percent who choose employers based on their values and beliefs I would never work in some industries because they are fundamentally immoral I will not work at a company if I disagree with their stand on social issues Organizations I choose to work for are one important way I express my opinions on issues 61% I am more interested in working for an organization that prides itself on being socially responsible vs. its marketplace success I’ve left a job and taken another because I liked the values of one more than the other I’ve taken a job solely because I appreciated its Choose, leave, avoid or positions on controversial issues consider employers based on their values and beliefs I’ve left my job solely because the organization remained silent on an issue they had an obligation to address 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: The Belief-Driven Employee. Belief-driven employee segments. 7-mkt avg. All data is filtered to be among employees who work for an organization or corporation (Q43/1). See Technical Appendix for a full explanation of how belief-driven employees were measured. 15

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