IN CANADA, ONLY 1 IN 5 HAVE GOOD INFORMATION HYGIENE Per cent in each segment 46 Information hygiene: 46% of respondents 1. News engagement 34 share or forward news 2. Avoid information echo items that they find to chambers be interesting 3. Verify information 20 Of those who share 4. Do not amplify news, only 23% have unvetted information good information hygiene Poor Moderate Good information hygiene information hygiene information hygiene 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer. Information Hygiene Scale. MED_SEG_OFT. How often do you engage in the following activities related to news and information? Indicate your answer using the 7-point scale below. 7-point scale; top 5 box, several times a month or more. General population, Canada. For full details on how the Information Hygiene Scale was built, please refer to the Technical Appendix. 17

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