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PRIORITIES SHIFT: Change in importance since MY INFORMATION More Less the start of the year, in Net change Important Important LITERACY NOW Australia... MATTERS MORE Prioritizing my family and their needs 54 10 +44 Change in importance since last year (more important minus less important) 44 11 Being politically aware +33 media and Increasing my 41 11 +30 information literacy 37 14 science literacy +23 Increasing my Speaking out when I see need for 35 13 +22 changes and reforms 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer. IMP_VALUES. For each of the following, please indicate whether it has become more important to you, less important to you, or has stayed the same in importance, since last year. 5-point scale; top 2 box; more important; bottom 2 box, less important. Question asked of half of the sample. General population, Australia. Net change is the difference between more and less 21 important.

Country Report - Australia - Page 21 Country Report - Australia Page 20 Page 22