2021 EDELMAN TRUST BAROMETER SAMPLE SIZE, QUOTAS AND MARGIN OF ERROR General Population Informed Public Sample Size* Quotas Set On** Margin of Error Sample Size* Quotas Set On*** Margin of Error +/- 0.6% total sample Age, Education, +/- 1.3% total sample Global 31,050 Age, Gender, Region 6,000 +/- 0.8% half sample Gender +/- 1.8% half sample China and +/- 2.9% total sample Age, Education, +/- 4.4% total sample 1,150 Age, Gender, Region 500 U.S. +/- 4.1% half sample Gender +/- 6.2% half sample +/- 2.9% total sample Age, Education, +/- 9.8% total sample Nigeria 1,150 Age, Gender, Region 100 +/- 4.1% half sample Gender +/- 13.9% half sample All other +/- 2.9% total sample Age, Education, +/- 6.9% total sample 1,150 Age, Gender, Region 200 countries +/- 4.1% half sample Gender +/- 9.8% half sample NOTE: Questions that afforded respondents the opportunity to criticize their government were not asked in China, Russia and Thailand. Some questions were asked of only half of the sample. Please refer to the footnotes on each slide for details. * For the general population, there were additional quotas on ethnicity in the UK and U.S., and on nationality in the UAE and Saudi Arabia. ** For the informed public, there were additional quotas on nationality in the UAE and Saudi Arabia. *** 29

Country Report - Australia - Page 29 Country Report - Australia Page 28 Page 30