2023 Edelman Trust Barometer Global Report How We Calculated the Determinants of Polarization Drivers Question text and scoring We also wanted to know what leads to polarization. We found that distrust, identity, TRU_INS. [GOVERNMENT] Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please unfairness, and pessimism were significant drivers. Distrust in indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right using a 9-point government scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal”.9-point scale; bottom 4 box = distrust in The factors depicted in the report are significant drivers of polarization as determined by a government linear regression. Polarization refers to the 3-pt scale described on the polarization SOC_FAB_STR. How true is each of the following statements regarding the definition slide. The full model, depicted below, accounts for 17.71% of the observed Lack of shared current situation in your country? For each one, please rate how true you believe variance in polarization scores. identity that statement is using a nine-point scale where one means it is “not at all true” Polarization= and nine means it is “completely true”. 9-point scale; (r1,3,6,7), average score between 1-5 = lack of shared identity (0.2351)+(.3380)DistrustInGovernment+(.3068)LackOfSharedIdentity+(.2478)SystemI nequality +(.1465)EconomicPessimism+(.1431)SocietalFears+(.1062)DistrustInMedia POP_MDC. Below is a list of statements. For each one, please rate how true you Systemic believe that statement is using a nine-point scale where one means it is “not at all The coefficient listed next to each factor indicates the increase in the polarization score unfairness true” and nine means it is “completely true”. 9-point scale; (r2,3,18*,19*), average associated with that factor being present, holding all other factors constant. This score of 6 or greater = systemic unfairness *reverse scored standardized value allowed us to rank the importance of each predictor variable and determine what factors drive polarization the most. All coefficients were significant at a Economic CNG_FUT. Thinking about the economic prospects for yourself and your family, p<.001 level. pessimism how do you think you and your family will be doing in five years’ time? Select one response. 5-point scale, codes 4,5 = economic pessimism Drivers Coefficient POP_EMO. Some people say they worry about many things while others say Distrust in government .3380 they have few concerns. We are interested in what you worry about. Specifically, Societal fears how much do you worry about each of the following? Please indicate your answer Lack of shared identity .3068 using a nine-point scale where one means “I do not worry about this at all” and Systemic unfairness .2478 nine means “I am extremely worried about this”. 9-point scale; top 4 box at a majority of items (r14, 27, 43, 30, 31, 32, 33) = societal fears Economic pessimism .1465 TRU_INS. [MEDIA] Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate Societal fears .1431 Distrust in media how much you trust that institution to do what is right using a 9-point scale where Distrust in media .1062 one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them Constant .2351 a great deal”. 9-point scale; bottom 4 box = distrust in media

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