Data Analyses Explained: How We Defined Questions related to polarization Polarization Groups POL_DEG: Using the scale below, please indicate how divided on key societal issues you believe your country is today. 1. Not at all divided To measure perceptions of societal polarization, we asked two questions, shown 2. A little divided at the right. First, we measured the degree of perceived division on key societal issues within each country. Then, among only those who reported their country 3. Somewhat divided is very or extremely divided, we measured respondents’ belief that their country 4. Very divided can work through Based on their responses to these two questions, respondents were assigned to one of the three groups described here: 5. Extremely divided • Not very divided (code 0): respondents who say their country isn’t very 99.Don’t know / Not sure divided (POL_DEG/1-3). POL_PROG: How likely or unlikely do you think it is that your country will be able to work through • Divided, not entrenched (code 1): respondents who see their country as or overcome its ideological divisions and lack of agreement on key issues and challenges? very or extremely divided (POL_DEG/4-5), but believe these divisions can be 1. Ideological divisions and a lack of agreement on key issues are not a problem in this country overcome or are not an issue (POL_PROG/1, 6-8). 2. It will never happen • Polarized: our divisions are entrenched (code 2):respondents who see 3. Very unlikely their country as very or extremely divided (POL_DEG/4-5), AND who also believe these divisions cannot be overcome (POL_PROG/2-5). 4. Unlikely These categories also defined a three-point polarization scale which was used 5. Neither likely nor unlikely as the outcome variable in a linear regression we used to identify the drivers of 6. Likely perceptions of polarization as detailed on the regressionpage. 7. Very likely 8. It will definitely happen 99.Don’t know / Not sure