WANT MORE, NOT LESS, BUSINESS ENGAGEMENT ON SOCIETAL ISSUES Percent who say On addressing each societal issue, business is… Climate Economic Workforce Access to Trustworthy Systemic not doing overstepping change inequality reskilling healthcare information injustice enough Gap, not doing enough 43pts 40pts 37pts 34pts 32pts 32pts vs. overstepping 52 49 46 42 42 42 9 9 9 8 10 10 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. BUS_BND. Think about business as an institution, and its current level of engagement in addressing societal needs and issues. When it comes to each of the following areas, please indicate if you think business is going too far and overstepping what it should be doing, is doing just the right amount in regard to this activity, or is not going far enough in its actions and should be doing more. 3-point scale; code 3, “not doing enough”; code 1, “overstepping”. General population, 27-mkt avg.

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