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DEEPER DEPENDENCE ON BRANDS INCREASES NEED FOR TRUST Reasons why it is more important to trust the brands they buy today than in the past Trust more important in all aspects of my life 43 Brands’ increasing impact on the environment 36 Increased reliance on brands to keep me safe in pandemic 32 Brands’ impact on the economic recovery 31 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Trust, The New Brand Equity. IMP_WHY. You just indicated that it is more important to you to be able to trust the brands you buy today than in the past. Among the items listed below, please select those, if any, that best describe why it has become more important to you to be able to trust brands. Pick all that apply. Question asked of those that say it 9 is more important to be able to trust the brands they buy or use today than in the past (IMP_TRU/1). General population, 14-mkt avg.

Trust The New Brand Equity - Page 9 Trust The New Brand Equity Page 8 Page 10