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TRUST IN BRANDS NOW MORE IMPORTANT Percent who say Brand trust matters more across demographics— but especially for younger consumers It is more important 75 69 59 for me to be able to trust 68% the brands I buy or use today than in the past Age 18-34 Age 35-54 Age 55+ 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Trust, The New Brand Equity. IMP_TRU. Is it more important to you to be able to trust the brands you buy or use today than it was in the past? 8 Question asked of those who said it’s at least a little important to be able to trust the brands they buy or use (Q100/2-5). General population, 14-mkt. avg., and by age.

Trust The New Brand Equity - Page 8 Trust The New Brand Equity Page 7 Page 9