TRUST DRIVES GROWTH Percent who say they are more likely to do each for brands they fully trust, vs. those they do not trust Recommendit to others Stay loyal to it Display it on my person or in my home Stick with it even if something goes wrong 61% Talk about itin my social media 43% will advocate will stay loyal Buy new products or services it introduces Participate in activities or causes it sponsors 57% Buy it even if it is not as cheapas other options 31%Share personal data, allow it to track me online will purchase will engage 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Trust, The New Brand Equity. TRUST_KPI. What are you more likely to do on behalf of a brand that you fully trust versus one that you DO NOT fully 27 trust? Pick all that apply. General population, 14-mkt avg. “Advocate” is a net of attributes 1, 3, 7; “Purchase” is a net of 5, 9; “Stay loyal” is a net of attributes 2, 10; “Engage” is a net of 4, 6.

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