BUSINESS INTEGRITY FOUNDATIONAL TO BRAND TRUST Top 2 issues that business sectors must speak out on or risk losing trust, based on the average ranking of each issue within each market, demographic and sector within within within markets demographics sectors Workers’ rights and paying a living wage #1 #1 #1 Safely re-opening the economy #2 #2 #2 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Trust, The New Brand Equity. SECTOR. Please indicate which of the following issues the [SECTOR] industry/business sector must publicly speak out on or risk losing your trust. Pick all that apply. Industries shown to half of the sample. General population, 14-mkt avg. “All of the above” added to each response. Data is showing the ranking of both issues 20 across all markets, demographics, and sectors. For full details regarding how this data was calculated please refer to the Technical Appendix.

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