HOW THE ISSUE RANKINGS WERE CALCULATED Overall Within Within Within Issues average markets demos sectors Respondents were given a list of 15 societal Worker’s rights and paying 1.82 2.07 1.13 2.27 issues and asked to identify which ones a living wage businesses in various sectors must publicly speak Safely re-opening the economy 2.68 2.79 1.88 3.36 out on or risk losing trust. The issue selected by Poverty 5.08 5.50 4.00 5.73 the highest proportion of respondents was ranked Corporate taxes 5.23 5.57 4.75 5.36 #1, the second most selected issue was ranked Climate change and the #2 and so on. environment 5.62 6.14 5.00 5.73 Healthcare 6.69 6.00 5.88 8.18 We calculated the average ranking across our Human rights 6.80 7.07 6.50 6.82 14 markets, and separately for our 11 sectors and 8 different demographic groups. Finally, we Diet and nutrition 7.93 6.93 8.13 8.73 averaged the market, sector and demographic Racism 8.15 8.36 8.63 7.45 averages to arrive at an overall ranking average. Gender equality 8.53 8.43 9.25 7.91 The issues with the highest overall rankings were Disability inclusion 10.13 10.07 10.88 9.45 identified as the #1 and #2 most important for Job automation brands to address. 11.74 11.79 12.25 11.18 Education 12.36 12.36 13.00 11.73 Misinformation in the media 13.33 13.29 13.88 12.82 Childcare 13.93 13.64 14.88 13.27 40

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