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DOCTORS, SCIENTISTS MOST TRUSTED FOR VACCINE INFORMATION Percent of Americans who trust each source to tell the truth about the COVID-19 vaccines T AS T X LE P HE S H TE E A N M E T T . I AN L 34 54 RT W U S S ACK TIN I M - - DE U D U. WH BL LA AS MA FE 18 35 55+ BI TR NO MI SO WE My doctor or healthcare provider 76 78 70 72 73 79 72 70 69 85 81 73 78 77 73 77 Scientists 70 72 68 66 72 75 66 69 66 75 82 57 76 72 65 73 Public health officials 63 63 62 62 71 67 59 62 58 67 75 48 65 65 58 65 Doctors and other health experts you follow online 62 63 54 63 71 67 58 64 60 63 69 58 64 61 59 66 A person like yourself who has taken the vaccine 55 57 51 58 52 58 53 54 53 59 61 54 57 56 54 55 The CEO of the organization you work for 55 57 53 54 48 61 49 59 53 54 59 51 57 52 56 55 Government officials 43 43 45 47 44 49 38 47 43 41 55 31 48 42 43 42 Journalists 43 42 46 47 45 47 38 46 42 41 56 26 47 43 40 44 CEOs in general 34 32 34 41 36 41 27 43 34 26 37 33 34 31 34 35 Celebrities 24 22 32 33 23 28 21 36 29 11 30 19 27 21 25 25 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Trust and the Coronavirus. Q13. Please indicate how much you trust each of the following sources to tell you the truth about COVID-19 vaccines. 9-point scale; top 4 box, trust. General population, U.S., and by demographics. Journalists is an average of attributes 8 and 9. “The CEO of the organization you work for” asked among those who are employed (Q43/1). 34

Trust and the Coronavirus in the US. - Page 34 Trust and the Coronavirus in the US. Page 33 Page 35