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47 FULL TEXT FOR ABBREVIATED ANSWER CHOICES ACTIONS EMPLOYERS ARE EXPECTED TO TAKE Shortened Full Create a healthy office environment Make healthy foods available to employees at the workplace Send employees home who show up sick to work Enforce masking and social distancing requirements in the workplace to prevent the spread of COVID - 19 Implement health policies Provide employees with health insurance or access to healthcare Give employees adequate sick leave and time off to go to doctor’s appointments Require that employees get COVID - 19 vaccinations before they are allowed to return to the office or work site Provide health incentives and information Provide employees with access, or reduced - price memberships, to work - out and exercise facilities Be a source of trustworthy information about health and health issues Provide free, onsite vaccinations and health screenings Offer incentives to employees to get them to do things like stop smoking, exercise more, or maintain a healthy weight Offer mental health support and prevent burnout Provide free access to mental health support Put policies in place that help prevent overwork and employee burnout EMP_RSP. Which of the following does your employer need to do in order to fulfill the role you expect it to play in making sure that you are as healthy as possible? (Please select all that apply.)

Trust and Health - Page 47 Trust and Health Page 46 Page 48