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30 Percent who say TO EARN TRUST, HEALTH COMPANIES MUST BUILD CONFIDENCE IN THE HEALTH ECOSYSTEM 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Trust and Health. ISS_ENG. In general, how important is it to earning or keeping your trust that companies in the health sector publicly engage in addressing these issues? 6 - point scale; code 4, moderately important; codes 5 - 6, very/extremely important. Question asked of half of the sample. General population, 9 - mkt avg. * Nigeria is not included in the global average. It is important to earning or keeping my trust that health companies build and maintain trust in our country’s health system 71 % Global 9 19 27 16 19 22 23 22 16 27 20 62 51 60 54 49 48 49 53 34 41 81 78 76 73 71 71 71 69 61 61 Mexico China *Nigeria Germany Canada S. Korea UK France Japan U.S. 49 Very/extremely important 22 Moderately important

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