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10 Percent trust in companies headquartered in each country JANUARY TO MAY 2022: GREATEST TRUST GAINS FOR HOME COUNTRY BRANDS IN U.S. AND UK 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: The Geopolitical Business. TRU_NAT. Now we would like to focus on global companies headquartered in specific markets. Please indicate how much you trust global companies headquartered in the following markets to do what is right. 9 - point scale; top 4 box, trust. Question asked of half of the sample. General population, by market. Data is showing percent trust in each market of companies headquartered in that market , as well as the average trust of companies HQ’d in countries outside of respondents’ country (also excluding Russia). 89 82 76 72 70 67 66 65 60 India China Canada U.S. UK Germany France S. Korea Japan +4 - 10 +3 +13 +11 +5 +5 +2 +5 Change, Jan 2022 to May 2022 - 0 + Distrust Neutral Trust Domestic trust in companies headquartered in each market Surge in domestic trust in the U.S. and UK Trust in foreign companies among respondents in each market 71 58 44 49 46 43 41 41 35 Trust gap, domestic vs. foreign 18 pts 24 32 23 24 24 25 24 25

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