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20 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: The Geopolitical Business. BUS_BEST. Which of the following most accurately characterizes, in your mind, the best - case scenario for the impact business could have in solving each of the following problems or challenges if it devoted a significant amount of its res ources and attention to addressing it? 5 - point scale; codes 3 - 4, small/moderately positive impact; code 5, game - changing impact. Question asked of half of the sample. General population, 14 - mkt avg. *Attribute not asked in China and is showing a 13 - mkt avg. For the full question text, please refer to the appendix. BUSINESS SEEN AS HAVING POWER TO INFLUENCE GEOPOLITICS Percent who say Small/moderately positive impact Game - changing positive impact Climate change Democratic and human rights reforms in other countries Get Russia to withdraw its forces from Ukraine* 21 18 29 56 61 70 If business devoted significant time and effort into addressing each issue , it could have a positive impact on...

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