THOSE LEAVING WANT SHARED VALUES AND BETTER LIFESTYLE FIT, MORE THAN HIGHER PAY Percent of those who are currently changing jobs who say each is a reason why they are leaving/looking to leave Better fit with Better fit Better compensation my values for my lifestyle or career advancement least likely to be a reason 59% 50% 31%for leaving Net agreement, Want a job that’s more personally fulfilling Want better work-life balance Looking to earn more money or get in rank order better benefits Want to go where they feel more valued Want a job less likely to lead to burnout Looking to move up and advance Want something entirely new My employer requiring that I return my career Want more continuous learning to an office Want a safer workplace Want a more socially engaged organization Too difficult or unsafe to work in the Want a more inclusive culture country where I was/am employed 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: The Belief-Driven Employee. ATT_WHY. Which of the following best describe the specific reasons why you have left, or are looking to leave, your current job? Pick up to three. Question asked among those who have or plan to alter their current employment situation (JOB_ATT/2-4;6). 7-mkt avg. “Better fit my values” is a net of attributes 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 17; “Better fit for my lifestyle” is a net of attributes 3, 5, 6, 15, 18; “Better compensation or career advancement” is a net of attributes 1 and 2. All data is filtered to be among employees who work for an organization or corporation (Q43/1). 12

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