HOW WE CALCULATED Even if an organization offers me a lot more money than I 1. currently make, I will not work there if I disagree with the BELIEF-DRIVEN EMPLOYEES company’s stand on important social issues I have taken a job with an organization for the sole reason Respondents were asked a series of questions regarding the role their 2. that I appreciated its positions on controversial societal or values, opinions about social issues, and political beliefs played in their political issues choice of employers. The Belief-Driven Employee (BDE) scale was created I have left a job at one organization and started working by averaging respondents’ answers to the seven 9-pt agree/disagree scale 3. somewhere else because I liked the values of one items, shown in the table to the right. organization more than the other •Non belief-driven employees were those that scored between 1 – 4.99 on the BDE scale, meaning on average they disagreed with these statements. I have strong opinions about many societal and political •Respondents who scored between 5.00 –9.00 on the BDE scale were 4. issues. The organizations that I choose to work for, and not work for, are one important way I express those opinions classified as belief-driven employees, meaning on average they saw themselves reflected at least to some extent in these statements I have left my job at an organization solely because it 5. remained silent on a societal or political issue that I believed it had an obligation to publicly address There are some industries or business sectors I would never 6. work in regardless of how much money they would pay me because I think they are fundamentally immoral Respondents were asked: Please indicate how much you agree or disagree I am more interested in working for an organization that with the following statements 7. prides itself on its financial and marketplace success than one that prides itself on being one of the most socially responsible in its sector (reversed scored) 45

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