THE MAJORITY WOULD TAKE THE COVID-19 VACCINE BUT THERE ARE STARK DIFFERENCES BETWEEN DEMOGRAPHIC GROUPS Percent who say they will take the COVID-19 vaccine 93% 98% 84% 89% 84% 82% 79% 81% 69% 73% 82% 64% would take the COVID-19 vaccine if it was made available to them today Northern England Wales Scotland Ethnic Minority White Gen Z Millennials Gen X Boomers Silent Ireland Communities Undecided: 9% 10% 10% 8% 6% 21% 8% 16% 14% 9% 4% 1% No: 9% 11% 9% 8% 5% 16% 8% 15% 13% 9% 3% 1% 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer UK supplement. Qx1: If it was made available to you, would you have the COVID-19 vaccine? General population, UK and boosted Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland samples. Gen Z (217), Millennials (539), Gen X (579), Boomers (602), Silent (82), Ethnic Minority Communities (217), White 23 (1,799)

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