FEB HISTORY KEY DRIVER OF SUPPORT FOR A UNITED IRELAND, FEARS AROUND VIOLENCE & COST A united Ireland (uniting as one Reasons why people are for/against a United Ireland country with a shared political system) In favour of a United Ireland Against a United Ireland Ireland has historically been one 62 Fear of violence/extremism 66 Undecided country / Don't know The two territories would be more It would cost too much 60 30% In favour of economically prosperous united 47 51% The majority of Irish people support a There would be fewer resources for 49 united Ireland 45 public services e.g. health/housing Against Brexit means a united Ireland is more 42 There are cultural divides between 47 19% likely the two territories Brexit puts trade and free movement 40 ROI is more economically prosperous 45 between territories at risk without Northern Ireland 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer IRE Supplement. Q15: To what extent are you in favour of, or against each of the following? Base Ireland: General Population (501). Q16. You said you were not in favour of Ireland and Northern Ireland uniting as a country. Why is this? Multicode. Base Ireland: Those against a United Ireland (94) Q17.You said you were in favour of Ireland and Northern Ireland uniting as a country. Why is this? Multicode. Base Ireland: Those in favour of a United Ireland (259) 30

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