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HALF OF IRISH PUBLIC SUPPORT UNITED IRELAND BUT FEB SUBSTANTIAL PROPORTION REMAIN UNDECIDED To what extent are you in favour of, or against each of the following? - + Net for/against A border poll within A United A federal Needing to have the next 5 years Ireland union unionist agreement before unity Net score 38 33 29 28 For 53 52 47 44 Against 15 19 18 16 Undecided / Don’t know 31 30 36 41 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer IRE Supplement. Q15: To what extent are you in favour of, or against each of the following? 5pt scale; top 2 box, For. Bottom 2 box, against. Base Ireland: General Population (501). 29

Country Report - Ireland - Page 29 Country Report - Ireland Page 28 Page 30